Scatterbrained Memes for Frazzled Folks With the Anxiety Levels of Someone Being Hunted for Sport

Struck by another wave of totally preventable stresses, the anxious overthinker slinks to the floor. It’s chill down there… calming. Some of us shut down when we’re a little stressed out and anxious, but others seek laughter in the face of danger. Dark humorists are all anxious-types– the obvious signs are the self-deprecating humor and …
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Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane

After every introvert agrees to plans, there’s a split second where they want to take everything back. Introverts can get swept up in the glories of their friend group’s plans, and with all the excitement floating around, are you really going to be the downer that says no? Frankly, all they really want to do …
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Self-Deprecating Anxiety Memes to Giggle About With Your Therapist (August 25, 2023)

All of these years of therapy have probably amounted to the same ol’ pile of bones. For anxious folks, that’s sort of alright because we’ve grown pretty comfortable with our coping mechanisms. Universally, the best ways to free yourself from anxiety are simple: go out in nature, be rich, and scroll through a delightfully self-deprecating …
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Memes Rx: 30 Prescription Anxiety Memes That Are Just What Your Therapist Ordered (August 19, 2023)

We all have our own way of decompressing from stress. Jarheads prefer working out. Hippies lean into their teas and crystals. And here at Cheez, we do memes. Humor is the all encompassing cure for pretty much everything in my opinion. Bad day? Scroll some memes. Bored on the train? Look at memes. Scraped knee? …
Seguir leyendo Memes Rx: 30 Prescription Anxiety Memes That Are Just What Your Therapist Ordered (August 19, 2023)

32 Grateful Loner Memes to Recharge Every Introvert’s Social Battery

Plans with friends or coworkers always sound like a good idea when everyone’s together writing dates in their calendar and exchanging phone numbers, but as every introvert knows, once the day rolls along that you’re supposed to go out, the dread sinks in. With your social battery completely depleted just from your attempt to make …
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26 Stressy Messy Anxiety Memes to Laugh About With Your Therapist (August 11, 2023)

Sometimes I’m just stressed and sometimes I’m just a mess… but most of the time I’m both. For anxious folks, stressing out it just a regular part of the day. Your mood fluctuations have gotten so predictable that you can schedule a panic attack between your 11pm meeting and your lunch break, giving you the …
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Stressy Messy Anxiety Memes to Giggle About With Your Therapist (August 5, 2023)

I’d like to think that my therapist and I are best friends. Sure, my therapist might be named Doctor MeMyself&I, but that doesn’t mean I’m not getting valuable life advice from myself. But then again, when you’re a self-medicated, Google-searching, socially anxious individual, that means that your relationship with your therapist is a bit one-sided– …
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Self-Deprecating Anxiety Memes to Giggle About in Therapy (July 29, 2023)

When you have an anxious dog, their stress is called ‘separation anxiety’s. They get afraid and nervous when they’re all alone at home, and they’ll cry until their hooman comes back. Problem solved! In us human beings, our anxieties are far more complex and perhaps our cure is to be home all alone. Unlike dogs, …
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27 Self-Deprecating Anxiety Memes to Giggle About in Therapy (July 21, 2023)

How are you?  Most anxious people have a knee-jerk reaction to say «good» or «everything’s fine», but even as your brain processes the question, you can’t help but fight the existential dread. It’s just a pleasantry, but when you really dig deep into the question itself, the answer most certainly is not a jolly one. …
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25 Self-Deprecating Anxiety Memes to Giggle About in Therapy (July 15, 2023)

People ride roller coasters because they like the stomach-in-mouth feeling of falling from dizzying heights and the heart rate spike of taking sharp turns. For an anxious person, we get that same feeling from answering a phone call. Like a real life roller coaster, that stomach churning feeling doesn’t just go away, in fact, sometimes …
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