23 Funniest Classical Art Memes of the Week for the Crowd With Stoic Expressions (February 13, 2023)

Has anyone ever told you that you have a case of RBF? A sullen expression that can only be described as stoic or… dare I say, mad? Yeah, you’re not alone. Apparently, people back in the day held these expressions all the time, and you didn’t see anyone give a hoot about it. Today you …
Seguir leyendo 23 Funniest Classical Art Memes of the Week for the Crowd With Stoic Expressions (February 13, 2023)

20+ Best Classical Art Memes Of The Week (February 6, 2023)

One of the fastest-known ways to distribute serotonin around the world is through memes. They have been around for a hot second, and over the course of time, they have become an empire — devoted to humor. There are many categories, one of them being ‘classical art memes’. See, art and humor mix together like …
Seguir leyendo 20+ Best Classical Art Memes Of The Week (February 6, 2023)

25 Funniest Classical Art Memes Of The Week (January 30, 2023)

Thanks to memes, classical art has become more exposed to the general population, rather than sitting in a museum. Old paintings have become ever so relevant again, and it is in large thanks to internet culture. Memes add that cheeky modern twist that may have been missing before (yo, art majors, don’t come at us, …
Seguir leyendo 25 Funniest Classical Art Memes Of The Week (January 30, 2023)

25+ Funniest Classical Art Memes Of The Week (January 23, 2023)

It’s no secret that classical art and modern hilarity make for the best kind of comedy. If the shoe fits… and it does, then put it on. In other words, it works, simply put. Of all the elite meme categories, this is one of our favorites. Our forefathers and general ancestors would most likely frown …
Seguir leyendo 25+ Funniest Classical Art Memes Of The Week (January 23, 2023)

32 Best Classical Art Memes Of The Week (January 16, 2023)

‘Tis a meme-volution! In the last decade, memes have become the forefront of modern comedy, distributing serotonin worldwide with just a few clicks. An internet sensation, it has evolved into a dynasty of sorts, a kingdom, AN EMPIRE. There are countless categories, but we believe that classical art memes are in the elite lead. Classical …
Seguir leyendo 32 Best Classical Art Memes Of The Week (January 16, 2023)

30 Best Classical Art Memes Of The Week (January 9, 2023)

Memes have become an internet sensation in the last decade, distributing serotonin across the world. It has become somewhat of a dynasty, a kingdom, an empire… there are so many categories at this point that it’s hard to keep track. One such category is definitely running in the lead for the ‘Meme Award of the …
Seguir leyendo 30 Best Classical Art Memes Of The Week (January 9, 2023)

28 Best Classical Art Memes Of The Week (January 2, 2023)

Classical art and modern hilarity are two things that mix together like peanut butter and jam, burgers and ketchup, Bonnie and Clyde… in other words, they just work. We have yet to figure out to whom we owe the Meme Award of the Year — but we have some pretty good contestant categories. Classical art …
Seguir leyendo 28 Best Classical Art Memes Of The Week (January 2, 2023)

Best Classical Art Memes of the Week (December 26, 2022)

What could be better than mixing modern humor with some good ol’ classical art? We must bestow a Meme Award of the Year to someone for this genius idea, but alas we could not track down the inventor of such a marvelous, innovative formulation. The internet is too vast and we are too small. Back …
Seguir leyendo Best Classical Art Memes of the Week (December 26, 2022)

Best Classical Art Memes Of The Week (December 19, 2022)

Ah, to mix modern humor with some good old classical art… absolutely genius. If our ancestors were to see us today, to say they would be disgusted is probably the understatement of the century. They would be appalled, and we can imagine that if it were up to them, we might not still have our …
Seguir leyendo Best Classical Art Memes Of The Week (December 19, 2022)