50 Memes & Tweets To Help You Kick Back And Relax

Things we are «canceling» temporarily today:  – Boredom – Bullshit – Responsibilities – Depression – Ennui – The crushing weight of our existence How are we canceling this sh*t? By tuning out and tuning into these tasty memes.

Buckets Of Memes For Bored People

Huzzah! It’s finally Wednesday. Also known as Hump Day. The middle of the godforsaken week. The day we start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It might be dim. It might seem far. But goddammit, soon we are going to be free. To help that time move faster, we’ve put together …
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Funny Memes For Wiling Away The Minutes

TGIF, y’all! We’re back with another batch of memes for whenever you need them. Bored on public transit? Scroll through some memes. Avoiding responsibilities? You know what to do. Insomnia? Boredom? Desperately need a distraction? We, and these memes, are here to help.

Dank Christian Memes That’ll Fill You With The Holy Spirit

Christianity has been a thing for about 2,000 years. It’s only natural that the world’s most popular religion would get meme’d to oblivion. We’ve rounded up some of the more dank Jesus-related memes that anyone, even atheists, are sure to appreciate. 

Funny Memes & Tweets For When Boredom Strikes

::Dramatic PSA voice:: When boredom strikes, what will you do? Do you have someone to turn to? Or are you left to your own devices? Boredom can strike at ANY TIME. It’s very important to be prepared, to have a plan. And unfortunately, you can’t rely on people to quell the tedium. You need to …
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Memes & Things For Very Bored People

When the pesky feeling known as boredom comes a-knockin’ it can be hard to decide how to eliminate it. Do you bite the bullet and do something responsible like clean your home or organize your filing cabinets? Do you decide to fill the void with some exercise? Or turn the brain off further with some …
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Scrollworthy Memes For Humor-Hungry Procrastinators

Dear Procrastinators,  It’s perfectly normal to want to avoid responsibility. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. When so much of our time is signed off to other people (ahem, job), the urge to reclaim it tends to grow. That’s why so many people go to sleep later than they should. There’s actually a Chinese term …
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An Enjoyable Selection Of Mostly Dumb Memes

Good tidings, internet trollers and travelers. On this beautiful Tuesday we are absolutely honored to have the opportunity to share more of our ever-growing collection of relatively amusing memes and tweets. Some of them are dumb. Some of them are relatable. Hell, some of them are slightly offensive. But they’re all here to help rescue you …
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Mildly Funny Memes For Mindless Scrolling

Tired of staring into the void on your day off? Why not try staring at MEMES. Why memes? They’ve got relatable humor, make a mockery of our depression, and help us take our minds off reality. While these may not be the best memes you’ve ever seen, they’re probably not the worst. And they’re probably better …
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