‘Sat at my desk waiting until 2PM to have lunch’: The best relatable work memes this week (April 22, 2024)

Is there any day of the week that is crueler than Monday? Sure, the Sunday scaries may threaten the five days of work to come and Wednesday might be the big ol’ hump right in the middle of it, but Monday presents the base of the mountain that we have to climb yet again. 9 …
Seguir leyendo ‘Sat at my desk waiting until 2PM to have lunch’: The best relatable work memes this week (April 22, 2024)

Micromanager boss reprimands employee for arriving ‘2-3 minutes’ late from lunch: ‘Companies pay people good money to babysit adults’

Micromanaging will get you nowhere. Nobody likes a backseat driver. Everyone is the main character of their own story, so they generally don’t appreciate when others treat them like an incapable child. Heck, I didn’t even enjoy that when I was a kid. Let me free, man. I can handle my own business. But unfortunately, …
Seguir leyendo Micromanager boss reprimands employee for arriving ‘2-3 minutes’ late from lunch: ‘Companies pay people good money to babysit adults’

‘Boomer dad got Boomered’: Progressive CEO buys employees laptops so they can work from home, gets endless complaints from a technologically challenged older woman

Young people all want to work from home now. We’re more focused, our workload is more manageable, and we don’t have a micromanager breathing down our neck every time we need to use the restroom. Personally, I love working from home and relish the chance to type on my laptop from the comfort of my …
Seguir leyendo ‘Boomer dad got Boomered’: Progressive CEO buys employees laptops so they can work from home, gets endless complaints from a technologically challenged older woman

‘They are just making up excuses to be lazy’: Restaurant delays paychecks for extreme weather, employee has biting response

«Oh I can’t, it’s raining» is a great excuse used by lazy people the world over. Sure, there are some instances in which rain does halt the activity you were planning to do. Outdoor sports… that’s understandable. A pleasant stroll in the park? Probably not so pleasant under a torrential downpour. Painting your fence? Yeah, …
Seguir leyendo ‘They are just making up excuses to be lazy’: Restaurant delays paychecks for extreme weather, employee has biting response

’20 to 30 pointless emails daily’: Pushy micromanager insists on being included in all client communications, gets schooled with malicious compliance

Being a manager is a delicate balance of a lot of factors. You’ve got to be on friendly terms with those below you in the pecking order without losing your authority, and you’ve got to be informed of what is happening in your team without overstepping the mark. These are things that sadly, many bosses …
Seguir leyendo ’20 to 30 pointless emails daily’: Pushy micromanager insists on being included in all client communications, gets schooled with malicious compliance

‘That one person trying to be my manager’: The best relatable work memes this week (April 15, 2024)

Ask many people about the things that they miss from childhood, and a lot of them will probably say something related to not having to work. Remember those months-long school summer holidays? Good luck getting the clearance for that amount of vacation time now.  The trade-off for devoting much of our time to employment is …
Seguir leyendo ‘That one person trying to be my manager’: The best relatable work memes this week (April 15, 2024)

23 Entrepreneur Memes for Small Business Owners Always on the Clock

Being your own boss is no joke. Whether you own a small buisness, work as a contractor, or create content, you are pretty much on the clock all the time. You can set boundaries for yourself, sure, but ultimately, the success of your business is on you. And that’s a lot of pressure. But…it’s also …
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‘But we’re a family’: The best relatable work memes this week (April 8, 2024)

Responsibility is no bad thing. However, it can seem that way when it comes down to the things that we have to be responsible for. This is especially true in the workplace, where many of us are tasked with holding down the fort in ways both pointless and annoying. As if that wasn’t bad enough, …
Seguir leyendo ‘But we’re a family’: The best relatable work memes this week (April 8, 2024)

‘They told me about their severance packages in the first interview’: Employees Share Most Entertaining Job Interview Stories

Ding, ding… Alarm bells go off in my head anytime I hear the phrase, ‘Though there are set hours, most employees stay extra so to show they’re committed to this job’. Another big red flag is when the interviewer seems disinterested or unprepared. If they haven’t looked over my resume, or if they’re asking basic …
Seguir leyendo ‘They told me about their severance packages in the first interview’: Employees Share Most Entertaining Job Interview Stories

‘She wanted buy a soul with a certificate’: Unpaid intern stands up to toxic boss forcing her to work weekends

I’ve been an intern many a time, and most of that was unpaid or very marginally paid. The intern blues is real. You’re expendable, you’re lowest on the totem pole, and you don’t command respect. The lack of pay is just the cherry on top. Yes, you get to learn new skills, build your resume, …
Seguir leyendo ‘She wanted buy a soul with a certificate’: Unpaid intern stands up to toxic boss forcing her to work weekends