Parents buy 18-year-old daughter a $65K Jeep they can’t afford, befuddles adult son who previously offered $5K for car payments: ‘The 5k won’t even last the summer’

If there is one thing people love wasting money on, it’s expensive cars. I come from a town where people would buy $70K vehicles for themselves but wouldn’t pay for their kid’s college education. Maybe this is just because I haven’t regularly driven in about six years, but I can’t wrap my head around paying …
Seguir leyendo Parents buy 18-year-old daughter a $65K Jeep they can’t afford, befuddles adult son who previously offered $5K for car payments: ‘The 5k won’t even last the summer’

‘You get what you give’: Cheap Cars Salesman Loses His Reputation and $40,000 After Trying to Cheat a Customer Out of $100

To truly understand the complexity of the sales industry, one must be employed in the field itself. To finalize the transaction, you must adapt to the individual with whom you are speaking. Would you truly give up your dignity and pride to get that coin, though? To seal the deal, would you be prepared to give …
Seguir leyendo ‘You get what you give’: Cheap Cars Salesman Loses His Reputation and $40,000 After Trying to Cheat a Customer Out of $100

‘Y’all thought my $1400 Tahoe payment was bad’: Nonsensical woman baffles internet with combined $3000 monthly car payments

One of many things that has up to this point made me a committed non-driver is that acquiring and maintaining a vehicle can be incredibly expensive. Everyone knows that a car loses up to 10% of its value as soon as it’s driven off the lot, and yet many people find themselves paying it off …
Seguir leyendo ‘Y’all thought my $1400 Tahoe payment was bad’: Nonsensical woman baffles internet with combined $3000 monthly car payments

‘I said it’s his choice’: 8-year-old wins fancy toy in raffle, gets pressured to give it away by adults after another kid throws a tantrum about it

It’s a life lesson that is as inevitable as it is unpleasant: we can’t all have our way all of the time. Some people go from cradle to grave refusing to accept this fact, and usually, others suffer because of it. As such, it’s better to understand it young. A little mild childhood disappointment isn’t …
Seguir leyendo ‘I said it’s his choice’: 8-year-old wins fancy toy in raffle, gets pressured to give it away by adults after another kid throws a tantrum about it

Scammer steals credit card information to rent car, emails card owner and asks why he canceled the rental: ‘Sorry to use the details hee hee’

Back in the day, you had to be genuinely sneaky to be a scammer. There were no websites with people’s credit card information available for any old schmuck to purchase. In the 20th century, you had to pick a pocket or snag a fat juicy wallet off the ground and make some magic by purchasing …
Seguir leyendo Scammer steals credit card information to rent car, emails card owner and asks why he canceled the rental: ‘Sorry to use the details hee hee’

The Funniest Disney Memes of the Week (March 3, 2024)

When I was a little kid, I was vehemently anti-princess. I don’t remember my exact thought process from when I was three years old, but I know I did not want anything to do with them. There is an iconic childhood photo of me from «Princess Day» at preschool, wearing a collegiate sweatshirt and looking …
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‘She reported my vehicle as abandoned’: Karen calls cops on neighbor for parking in front of her own house

Everyone hates a tattletale. If someone is doing something wrong, they’re probably going to get caught anyway, so why put yourself in the middle of it? I especially hate people who create conflict where there isn’t any in the first place. That is precisely what happened to one Redditor who got the bylaws called on …
Seguir leyendo ‘She reported my vehicle as abandoned’: Karen calls cops on neighbor for parking in front of her own house

‘We called up our landlord’: Roommates Get Their New Neighbors Evicted in Less Than a Month

Imagine your neighbors are noisy. Not just any kind of noisy, but the vacuuming at 3 am, stomping, and yelling at odd hours kind of noisy. Starting to get the picture? Good, because these neighbors that OP described were the absolute worst. Besides the noise disturbances late at night, these neighbors also made false claims …
Seguir leyendo ‘We called up our landlord’: Roommates Get Their New Neighbors Evicted in Less Than a Month

The Wildest Unpopular Opinions of the Week (February 11, 2024)

Unpopular opinions: everybody has them, but some people are better at gauging whether their opinions are actually unpopular than others. Let’s play a little game; I’ll share one of my unpopular opinions, and you get to tell me whether it’s actually unpopular or not! Here we go: I don’t think going to therapy inherently makes …
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‘They never mentioned this in Blade Runner’: Ford smart car refuses to start when software update fails, prompts derision from the internet

Car problems are a unique level of stress. When the thing you need to get from A to B starts throwing a tantrum about it, it automatically makes life seem so much harder (as well as more expensive). One of the many reasons that they are so upsetting is that there are so many factors …
Seguir leyendo ‘They never mentioned this in Blade Runner’: Ford smart car refuses to start when software update fails, prompts derision from the internet