‘Do you wear the same clothes several days in a row?’: Man proudly does laundry twice a month, gets roasted by parents doing 7 loads a week and clean freaks

There is a vast chasm between how often people do the laundry. If you’re doing laundry for a family of 5, you will do it more frequently than a single person. I used to think I did my laundry an average amount, but after a recent Twitter discourse, I’m unsure. I do my laundry on …
Seguir leyendo ‘Do you wear the same clothes several days in a row?’: Man proudly does laundry twice a month, gets roasted by parents doing 7 loads a week and clean freaks

‘You pay rent, so it is your space’: Careless parents let baby nephew make a mess in adult daughter’s room while she’s away

I wouldn’t call myself a neat freak, but I do like my space the way I like it. I always put my clothes away if they’re out, and I need my items to be in a specific place before I can rest. If someone stays over at my place, I welcome them as a friend, …
Seguir leyendo ‘You pay rent, so it is your space’: Careless parents let baby nephew make a mess in adult daughter’s room while she’s away

Spoiled wife freaks out after husband refuses to pay for weekly housekeeper: ‘She has always had a housekeeper from a young age’

There are so many people out there who do not know how to take care of themselves. I never claimed to be the cleanest person in the world, but at least I can ensure my apartment is tidy without someone else doing the work for me. When I went to college, I couldn’t tell you …
Seguir leyendo Spoiled wife freaks out after husband refuses to pay for weekly housekeeper: ‘She has always had a housekeeper from a young age’

Maximalist Person Turns Bathroom Into ‘Garden of Eden’, Internet Agrees They Went Overboard

Your bathroom is the one place in your house that requires some extra work to look nice. Putting in a potted plant and a scent spray bottle doesn’t cut it. If you’re ever at a loss for what to add, you can always check r/interiordecorating where Redditors offer each other advice on how to make …
Seguir leyendo Maximalist Person Turns Bathroom Into ‘Garden of Eden’, Internet Agrees They Went Overboard

20+ Laundry Memes to Wash and Dry

There is a lot to dislike about doing laundry. Laundry is one of the most time-consuming chores. It might take a little more effort than mopping the floors or washing the dishes, but those tasks don’t take up hours of your already busy day! Laundry is also stupidly expensive, with one bottle of detergent setting …
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‘He is getting 14-15 hours of sleep every day’: Lazy boyfriend refuses to do more chores because of daily 4 hour nap

I have never been a napper. Well, I guess I was a napper because I had to be one when I was a literal toddler, but I have not gotten back into the practice anytime after kindergarten. I find that it’s such a spectacular waste of time. We only have so many waking hours daily, …
Seguir leyendo ‘He is getting 14-15 hours of sleep every day’: Lazy boyfriend refuses to do more chores because of daily 4 hour nap

31 Neat N’ Tidy Memes to Help Procrastinate Cleaning Your Room

It’s 2024. Oof. None of us were ready for this. Fortunately, the new year is a time when we can reflect on the past and plan for the future. In layman’s terms, it means we acknowledge that we’ve been a dirtbag and are going to attempt to turn a new leaf! For me, that means …
Seguir leyendo 31 Neat N’ Tidy Memes to Help Procrastinate Cleaning Your Room

Clean Freak Washes Her Plastic Christmas Tree in the Bathtub, Sparks Debate About Performative Hygiene

How clean is too clean? That’s a question that’s constantly being posed online, particularly on TikTok, where videos often go viral of people cleaning in a strange way. There is an entire side of TikTok devoted to being spotless; it’s called CleanTok, and while some of the videos follow people deep cleaning hoarder houses or …
Seguir leyendo Clean Freak Washes Her Plastic Christmas Tree in the Bathtub, Sparks Debate About Performative Hygiene

College-Educated Employee Expects Coworker Clean Up Her Mess On His Own Time

We’ve all known that person who cannot clean up after themselves in any shared space. When I was growing up doing community theatre, there would always be somebody who would leave their stuff around an already messy dressing room. No matter how often we were told to put our costumes and makeup away, somebody would …
Seguir leyendo College-Educated Employee Expects Coworker Clean Up Her Mess On His Own Time