Llama Dresses as Groomsman for Wedding, Inspires Amusing Response on Twitter

In these days where all declarations of love are engineered into being a social media spectacle, it’s kind of hard to do something original at a wedding. Most of the strangest or most ‘quirky’ ideas have already been taken by some dedicated bridezilla somewhere.  Also, most of them don’t wind up being much fun for …
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‘You have to be a real supervillain to defend this company’: Influencer Gets Slammed For PR Trip to Shein Factory in China

The opinion that fast fashion is a generally Bad Thing should not be that controversial. Sure, it’s the only clothing that many can afford, but that doesn’t mean that we should be white knighting for it in the face of flagrant sweatshop usage and a truly insane carbon footprint.  However, it seems like somebody needs …
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‘Normalize Performing Social Experiments on Boyfriends’: Woman Picks the T-Shirt Her Boyfriend Wears by Leaving Tiny Gaps Between Clothes Hangers

You know the real secret to maintaining the spark in a relationship? It’s not about fancy vacations, clear communication, or weirdly specific roleplay, much as these might help. Nope, the most important thing is entertaining yourself by doing pointless little experiments on your partner. OK, maybe this isn’t great advice, but it makes for an …
Seguir leyendo ‘Normalize Performing Social Experiments on Boyfriends’: Woman Picks the T-Shirt Her Boyfriend Wears by Leaving Tiny Gaps Between Clothes Hangers

A Collection of Sewing Memes That Are All Stitched Up

There are a lot of things that I would like to teach myself to do. These  include being able to get up right after my alarm rings, or writing a paragraph without putting approximately 1 billion commas in it.  On this list of dream abilities, I would like to add the skill of sewing. The …
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Cruel Mother Forces Daughter To Wear Only Dresses For Weeks After Finding Her Dresses Hidden in Her Room

Part of being a parent is forcing your kids to do things they don’t want to do. Sometimes, they have to eat yucky vegetables and finish the year of playing with their soccer team, even though they wanted to quit halfway through. However, there’s a point when parents need to listen to what their kids …
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Dude Tries To Prove That Modest Women Attract Attention To Themselves, Fails Miserably

Every trad weirdo on the internet has a different idea of how women should be. Trad guys want to return to the traditions of some idyllic version of the past, but none can seem to agree on which historical time period they’re longing for. As far as I can tell, there are two camps of …
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Shopping Memes For Diagnosed Shopaholics

Christmastime is over, which means the girlies who have gift-giving as their love language might be a little bummed out. There is much less shopping to do for others, but that doesn’t mean you have no shopping to do for yourself! That is a year-long project, my dear. I see you with that little extra …
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Coziest Sock Memes to Prevent Cold Feet

A lot of us don’t put a lot of thought into our underlayers, but they’re often one of the most important parts of our outfit. This is particularly true of what we put on our feet. Going through the day with cold toes or wet socks is a sensory nightmare, so we want to make …
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A Rack of Thrifting Memes Full of Secondhand Goodness

I have appreciated the joys of thrifting since I was a teenager. That feeling of finding a fancy brand for dirt cheap, or that unique piece that you know you’ll wear for years can’t be beat. Also, it really feeds a ‘not like other girls‘ complex to be wearing some old lady’s clothes, rather than …
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