‘The norm is being ghosted’: Man’s date-canceling text goes viral, revealing bottom-of-the-barrel dating expectations

Canceling plans is a wonderfully double-edged sword. It feels so good to have absolutely nothing to do when you were originally planning on going somewhere. It’s a rush– unbuttoning your pants, plopping down on the couch, knowing you don’t have to be perceived by polite society. But, canceling plans can also lead to hurt feelings. If one of you was looking forward to …
Seguir leyendo ‘The norm is being ghosted’: Man’s date-canceling text goes viral, revealing bottom-of-the-barrel dating expectations

‘He had a tall head’: 20+ Hilariously petty reasons daters refused a second date

The TV show Seinfeld is famous for offering its viewers trivial things over which to stop dating someone. Jerry cut it off with someone who had «Man Hands,» George couldn’t quite get over losing a chess game to a girl, and Jerry ended it with a different girl after she expressed fondness for a Dockers commercial he hated. All very petty …
Seguir leyendo ‘He had a tall head’: 20+ Hilariously petty reasons daters refused a second date

‘You really need to get a new wardrobe’: Couple goes on fishing date, woman ditches him for wearing fishing attire

Picking what to wear to a date is tricky business. You want to strike the right balance between effortful and comfortable while displaying your personal style. If you go too dressy, you might risk overshadowing your date. If you go too casual, you risk offending them. If you wear something you’re not comfortable in, you might not …
Seguir leyendo ‘You really need to get a new wardrobe’: Couple goes on fishing date, woman ditches him for wearing fishing attire

Entitled man bails after date won’t buy him sushi, is flexed on with $400 omakase: ‘He really snatched defeat from the jaws of victory’

Sushi is one of the greatest delicacies in life, and one of the most expensive ones, especially in America. For good reason, usually. You don’t really want to skimp on raw fish or you might pay a different price. Sushi, for that reason, has kind of become a symbol of wealth on this side of …
Seguir leyendo Entitled man bails after date won’t buy him sushi, is flexed on with $400 omakase: ‘He really snatched defeat from the jaws of victory’

‘I don’t think that your so-called friend is a nice person’: Inconsiderate woman insists men pay on double date, loses best friend and boyfriend

Deciding who’s going to pick up the check can mar an otherwise nice night with the stain of awkwardness. In our current era, in the world of dating, there is no standard rule for who pays. One one hand, that’s a good thing. People can go into dates without expectations, and avoid the potential power …
Seguir leyendo ‘I don’t think that your so-called friend is a nice person’: Inconsiderate woman insists men pay on double date, loses best friend and boyfriend

25+ Flirting Memes for Professional DM-Sliders

Flirting is a delicate art. Back in the day, lovers would write poems, and sonnets, compose symphonies, and paint frescos to win the affection of another. Today, we send each other memes. And swipe up on Instagram stories. And say «U up?» I’m not saying we’re doomed as a culture, but I do think we …
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‘If people did this population would be 73’: Life coach claims people need to have their life together before dating, gets roasted for her high standards

Everybody has some periods of their life when they are unfit for dating. For me, that was my first couple of years of college. I wasn’t sexless for lack of trying, but I had several problems that were keeping me from finding romantic connections: I had cystic acne, I gained about 15 pounds, I had …
Seguir leyendo ‘If people did this population would be 73’: Life coach claims people need to have their life together before dating, gets roasted for her high standards

‘He said he had an alpha personality’: 20+ flagrant red flags that made regular folks run for the hills

As Lisa Kudrow as Wanda Pierce in Bojack Horseman once said, «When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses, all the red flags just look like flags,» which is one of the most poignantly true statements anyone has ever made, especially in an adult cartoon. When you love someone, or when you want to love someone, it’s …
Seguir leyendo ‘He said he had an alpha personality’: 20+ flagrant red flags that made regular folks run for the hills

‘My vote is nurses’: People share professions that would keep them from dating someone

When you’re in your early twenties, it seems like everybody is dating everybody, no matter how incompatible their lifestyles are. I know couples with opposite work schedules but can still get together and go on at least one date per week. As you age, it gets much more challenging to plan your life around someone …
Seguir leyendo ‘My vote is nurses’: People share professions that would keep them from dating someone

‘This is ten times more narcissistic and toxic than whatever he did to you’: Roommate kicks out out guy who ghosted him twice, sparks heated discourse

Unlike its spooky namesake, ghosting’s existence is not up for debate. It happens all the time, to the best of us, to the worst of us. It’s so easy to ghost someone. It requires little (actually, nothing) of you and it makes a potential issue go away instantly. But if you’re on the receiving end …
Seguir leyendo ‘This is ten times more narcissistic and toxic than whatever he did to you’: Roommate kicks out out guy who ghosted him twice, sparks heated discourse