Unschooler mom doesn’t teach 8-year-old daughter to read, assumed that she would organically learn how on her own: ‘A reading tutor expressed her disappointment that I missed the window and now my child will struggle’

There are some things that don’t need to be taught in a school setting. For instance, every human being, barring severe delays, will learn how to speak. It is ingrained into our brains to learn how to speak our native language, even if we don’t receive any formal education. If you attend a prestigious preschool …
Seguir leyendo Unschooler mom doesn’t teach 8-year-old daughter to read, assumed that she would organically learn how on her own: ‘A reading tutor expressed her disappointment that I missed the window and now my child will struggle’

Parents forget their daughter’s 33rd birthday, get angry when her boyfriend wishes her ‘Happy Birthday’ online: ‘Not saying anything and then posting about it was passive aggressive’

Not every birthday is created equally. There are a lot more milestone birthdays when you’re a kid versus when you’re over 30, and that is directly correlated with how much people care about them. Still, even if you’re turning a totally unremarkable prime number, you would at least expect a phone call or a text …
Seguir leyendo Parents forget their daughter’s 33rd birthday, get angry when her boyfriend wishes her ‘Happy Birthday’ online: ‘Not saying anything and then posting about it was passive aggressive’

‘It’s your birthday, you pay’: Family takes daughter out to dinner to celebrate her birthday, then hands her the bill to pay for everyone’s food

Are you the type of person who gets excited for their birthdays, or have you already reached the realization that birthdays are overrated and lead to nothing but disappointment? This might come across as bleak, but I honestly believe that birthdays create unrealistic expectations from the people who celebrate them, because they keep expecting the …
Seguir leyendo ‘It’s your birthday, you pay’: Family takes daughter out to dinner to celebrate her birthday, then hands her the bill to pay for everyone’s food

Mom refuses to take daughter’s good grades off the fridge, despite hurting less academic stepdaughter’s feelings: ‘If she gets a good grade we can put it on the fridge’

A big part of growing up is learning that life isn’t fair. There will always be someone better than you at something, and the quicker you accept that, the easier it will be to find what you will excel at. I went to school with so many brilliant and athletic kids, and there was comfort …
Seguir leyendo Mom refuses to take daughter’s good grades off the fridge, despite hurting less academic stepdaughter’s feelings: ‘If she gets a good grade we can put it on the fridge’

‘She be hating on her daughter’s cooking’: Narcissistic mom trashes chef daughter’s homecooked meal, retaliates by making mayonnaise chicken

Ask many people who first taught them the basics of cooking, and they’ll probably say something about learning from a family member. However, not everybody is blessed with a kindly close relative to show them the ropes. Growing up with parents who are seemingly unable to follow a tasty recipe is a very unfortunate predicament. …
Seguir leyendo ‘She be hating on her daughter’s cooking’: Narcissistic mom trashes chef daughter’s homecooked meal, retaliates by making mayonnaise chicken

Man lives in his sister’s house cheaply for 15 years, refuses to leave after being given a 1-year notice: ‘I had no choice but apply for a court order to evict them’

We have one of those family members who, when given an inch, takes a mile. It’s natural to want to help your kin in their times of need or in your time of bounty, but it isn’t easy to maintain boundaries once you’ve already offered endless assistance. If you let your sister and her husband …
Seguir leyendo Man lives in his sister’s house cheaply for 15 years, refuses to leave after being given a 1-year notice: ‘I had no choice but apply for a court order to evict them’

‘See you in court, mom’: Mother demands daughter give her money she got from child support, daughter refuses, leading to mother taking legal actions

It might not be possible for every parent out there, but I firmly believe that parents should not be financially reliant on their children whatsoever, at least not while they are able to work. I am fully aware that a lot of single parents out there struggle with maintaining their household with just one salary, …
Seguir leyendo ‘See you in court, mom’: Mother demands daughter give her money she got from child support, daughter refuses, leading to mother taking legal actions

Parents buy 18-year-old daughter a $65K Jeep they can’t afford, befuddles adult son who previously offered $5K for car payments: ‘The 5k won’t even last the summer’

If there is one thing people love wasting money on, it’s expensive cars. I come from a town where people would buy $70K vehicles for themselves but wouldn’t pay for their kid’s college education. Maybe this is just because I haven’t regularly driven in about six years, but I can’t wrap my head around paying …
Seguir leyendo Parents buy 18-year-old daughter a $65K Jeep they can’t afford, befuddles adult son who previously offered $5K for car payments: ‘The 5k won’t even last the summer’

‘She said I had to use the name, her daughter deserved that’: Bereaved mother freaks out when adult son refuses to name his daughter after his late baby sister

Grief is a messy and complicated thing we all have to go through at some point. It’s rarely something that someone can get over in a matter of months or weeks. It’s a long and winding road, with low lows and the capacity for high highs.  While the maxim «there’s no wrong way to grieve» …
Seguir leyendo ‘She said I had to use the name, her daughter deserved that’: Bereaved mother freaks out when adult son refuses to name his daughter after his late baby sister

‘Vegan cheese is the grossest thing I’ve ever tried’: Dad refuses to buy groceries for 15-year-old vegan daughter

Dietary choices are a very easy way to start family drama. When I first went vegetarian many years ago, my parents couldn’t get enough of worrying about my protein intake. While they have since calmed down about it, I can still sympathize with those who face breaking the news to their omnivorous relatives. I also …
Seguir leyendo ‘Vegan cheese is the grossest thing I’ve ever tried’: Dad refuses to buy groceries for 15-year-old vegan daughter