Parents forget their daughter’s 33rd birthday, get angry when her boyfriend wishes her ‘Happy Birthday’ online: ‘Not saying anything and then posting about it was passive aggressive’

Not every birthday is created equally. There are a lot more milestone birthdays when you’re a kid versus when you’re over 30, and that is directly correlated with how much people care about them. Still, even if you’re turning a totally unremarkable prime number, you would at least expect a phone call or a text from your closest family members wishing you a happy birthday, right? Even if you’re not much of a birthday person, it’s kind of disappointing to be forgotten.

Being forgotten is exactly what happened to a woman who turned 33 recently. Her parents neglected to wish her a happy birthday and they initially felt super embarrassed and ashamed about this fact. However, when they saw that their daughter’s boyfriend had very publically wished her a happy birthday on social media, they changed their tune. They accused her of rubbing their mistake in their faces and alleged that she had ruined the surprise birthday party they planned for her. 

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