Weekly Treat of Funniest Parenting Memes for the Moms and Dads Who Need a Good Laugh Out Loud This Weekend (April 15, 2023)

Parents need memes the most. Change our minds. Seriously, they work so hard to shield their babies from the woes of humanity and to help them survive and thrive. It is one of the most difficult tasks you can take on as an adult. Moms and dads everywhere sacrifice so much just to make sure …
Seguir leyendo Weekly Treat of Funniest Parenting Memes for the Moms and Dads Who Need a Good Laugh Out Loud This Weekend (April 15, 2023)

The Best Parenting Tweets of the Week (April 13, 2023)

It’s difficult to keep the magic of the Easter Bunny alive for your kids. Santa is relatively easy because you can meet a man at a shopping mall that will convincingly portray him. The Tooth Fairy is simple: your kid never sees her unless you mess up or they’re a super light sleeper. The Easter …
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Weekly Treat of Funniest Parenting Memes for the Moms and Dads Who Need a Good Laugh Out Loud Right Now (April 8, 2023)

Parenting is such a flex. It truly is the hardest job. This isn’t a position you can just quit when you’re over it. Once you’re a parent, you’re a parent for life. We’re big fans of moms and dads that know how to let a little laughter into their parenting style. It’s not easy being …
Seguir leyendo Weekly Treat of Funniest Parenting Memes for the Moms and Dads Who Need a Good Laugh Out Loud Right Now (April 8, 2023)

The Best Parenting Tweets of the Week (April 6, 2023)

Is it just me, or are people who are obsessed with being «pet parents» annoying? Don’t get me wrong, I respect pet owners who love their animals like they’re family and spend a great deal of time taking care of them. However, when you act like having a dog is even in the same stratosphere …
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The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (March 29, 2023)

What’s the matter with kids these days? Why can’t they be like we were: perfect in every way? Every generation has gripes with «kids these days.» These days, kids are more rebellious and less hardworking than kids used to be! If you’re not a member of Gen Z or Generation Alpha, this thought might have …
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The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (March 30, 2023)

What’s the matter with kids these days? Why can’t they be like we were: perfect in every way? Every generation has gripes with «kids these days.» These days, kids are more rebellious and less hardworking than kids used to be! If you’re not a member of Gen Z or Generation Alpha, this thought might have …
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Teacher Memes For Frustrated Educators

Teaching is one of those jobs I don’t think I could do. You must prepare lessons throughout the year, making entirely new lessons or making lessons that perfectly comply with the school board’s tyrannical standards. As a teacher, you deal with sick kids, problem kids, kids who are addicted to talking, and kids who won’t …
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Genius Tweets that Prove Kids Should Be in Charge of Naming Things

Anyone who has a kid knows this… kids are really funny. They’re also extremely annoying, but boy are they funny. Whether you’re a parent, or you just have a bunch of kids in your life because the people you know are parents, you’re exposed to their hilarity. Stand-up comedians are great and all, but you …
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The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (March 23, 2023)

One of the most complex parts of parenting is deciding when a kid is old enough for certain things. When I was a kid, it was a lot easier to keep kids away from inappropriate content. Elementary school children were not running around with iPads because they hadn’t been invented yet. It was normal for …
Seguir leyendo The Funniest Parenting Tweets of the Week (March 23, 2023)