30 Memes to Get Parasocial With

It seems like people on the internet are always talking about «parasocial relationships.» For those of you who don’t spend your commute listening to video essays from 2019, a parasocial relationship is a one-sided relationship where one of the subjects is obsessed with the other and has a strong emotional attachment to them. The other …
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30 Memes to Pull Out of the Filing Cabinet

I am not an adult enough to own my own filing cabinet. If I had to haul a 5-foot-tall behemoth of metal drawers up three flights into my new apartment, I would not be particularly excited about that. All of my important files are kept in a Rolodex in my mind. I know exactly where …
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30 Memes That Amuse and Delight

Having a sense of humor is an invaluable quality. You don’t have to be a brilliant standup comedian to know that! Comedy is highly beneficial if you’re weak in other social skills. How many times have you heard the story of the class clown who was able to gain the respect of their fellow students …
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30 Memes That Putter All Around The House

If you clocked that this headline references the 1962 Broadway musical ‘A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum,’ congratulations! You’ve got the same brain worms that I do! I’ve spent so many hours on earth listening to ‘Everybody Ought To Have a Maid’ that I feel like I could grab a robe …
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30 Funniest Tumblr Memes for a Silly Afternoon Scroll

Different sides of the internet have different types of humor. In the little corner of Cheezburger, we try to give you as many types of humor as we can find, to provide you with a top-notch experience while you are here. That includes the exquisite humor from the people of Tumblr. Personally, Tumblr holds a …
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35+ Memes for The People

Some memes are made for the suits and only the suits. They pander to the tastes of Richie Rich-type figures, trying their darndest to get some of their precious blood money to no avail. Little do those memes know that appealing to the rich and powerful does very little in the meme industry. Memes are …
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40+ Memes That Go Back Generations

I don’t know if you all know this, but I come from a family of meme people. My pappy was a meme man, and my grandpappy was a meme man. Ever since I was a young whippersnapper playing about on Reddit dot com, I knew that I wanted, nay, needed, to join my family business. …
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38 Memes That Truly Ate

I ate, you ate, we all ate. But what does it mean to eat in the metaphorical and internet-lingo sense? Surely it doesn’t mean to consume a delicious meal at your local Golden Corral. According to Urban Dictionary, «She ate» means Basically used to describe that someone did something perfectly or looked fabulous. It’s basically …
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35 Memes For One And For All

I know I might be beating a dead horse here, but memes really are for everybody. I feel like we have transcended the point in society where we expect old people not to be able to understand memes and their purpose. I promise that if you send an age-appropriate meme to anyone who is 70 …
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Tumble Through These 20+ Hilarious Tumblr Memes

Thank goodness the week is coming to an end, I could honestly do with a long restful weekend right about now. My plans for the weekend got me thinking, and so I pose a question to you all–what is a well-spent weekend in your books? When I was a teen, a fun weekend was one …
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