Gen X Shares How They Went From YOLO to ‘Get Off My Lawn’

Groaning when you climb up a flight of stairs is the new norm. Remembering names has become more difficult, although to be fair, you were never particularly good at that anyway. And the music? This new stuff sounds like angry robots having a rave in a blender. Does this sound like you? Congrats, you’re getting …
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‘Seeing if my 94 month old son still does the newborn scrunch’: The most entertaining takes from TikTok this week (April 23, 2024)

It’s kind of strange how people acted like TikTok was some kind of anomaly when it first became popular. In a lot of ways, it’s just a convoluted mix of many platforms that came before it—Vine and YouTube in the format, with Twitter, Tumblr, and even Reddit influencing the content.  It goes without saying that …
Seguir leyendo ‘Seeing if my 94 month old son still does the newborn scrunch’: The most entertaining takes from TikTok this week (April 23, 2024)

Nostalgic 2000s Kids Memes For True Gen Zers Who Don’t Remember The 90s

I am willing to admit I harbor nostalgia for the 2000s. It’s only natural for someone to look at the decade where they were under 12 years old for the whole of it with some rose-colored glasses. I’m aware that for most adults, the 2000s were not the most peaceful and fun time of their …
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37 Gen X Memes for 80’s Kids Raised on Hose Water (April 17, 2024)

Growing up in the 80s was a riotous time. Hair was big, clothes were flashy, and everyone had something to prove. For us kids, growing up in the 80s was more about finding which parking lots were the best to hang out in, copping a smoke from the high schoolers on our lunch break, and …
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35+ Memes That Put the ‘Fun’ In Funny

Ok, forgive me if this is something everyone already has thought about… but does the word «funny» come from the word «fun?» It would sort of make sense. The concepts are definitely interrelated. But they’re not synonymous. There are plenty of fun things that aren’t funny. Have you ever laughed on a roller coaster? Probably …
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‘The internet really ruined like three generations of people’: Trad Gen-Z mom makes a wojak of her baby, gets roasted and praised for it

No matter how much time passes, there seem to be new wojaks that spring up every year. If you are unfamiliar with what a wojak is, this is how our friends at Know Your Meme define them:  «Feels Guy, also known as Wojak, is an MS Paint illustration of a bald man with a sad …
Seguir leyendo ‘The internet really ruined like three generations of people’: Trad Gen-Z mom makes a wojak of her baby, gets roasted and praised for it

‘What do y’all kids know about Crazy Frog’: The most entertaining takes from TikTok this week (April 16, 2024)

For all that it can feel this way, the internet is not forever. The infrastructure on which it is built is so varied and sprawling that there is every chance that something will happen in the future that will cause its massive reservoir of information to be lost, meaning that we could currently be living …
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25 Memes Better Than Sliced Bread

I think it’s time we update the phrase «best thing since sliced bread.» We’ve had sliced bread for such a long time now. It doesn’t feel novel or special. None of us can remember when it was invented. It feels pretty intuitive. What else are you going to do with bread? Rip it apart? Eat …
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‘Boomers and Gen X infantilize their adult children’: Millennials and Gen Z ponder how different their lives are to their parents

As somebody who doesn’t do well with timelines, I have benefitted from the fact my parents were somewhat late developers for people of their generation. I’ve yet to reach the often-judged age where they were married, owned a house, or had kids (although they didn’t do it in that order). I don’t even know for …
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30 Memes to Sip With Your Morning Cup of Joe

One of the greatest things about being an adult is that you get to drink coffee. It’s what gets me out of bed most mornings: the promise of chocolatey, earthy, perhaps milky, awake-inducing goodness. Not only does it get your energy up so you actually feel like doing stuff, but it’s also a deliciously impornant …
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