Rogue sticky note on grocery store ice cream inspires rage on the internet: ‘I didn’t realize I’d get a side of judgment’

Everyone has an opinion. As the saying goes, they’re as ubiquitous as… a certain undesirable part of our body. But that doesn’t mean we have to go shoving it in people’s faces. In fact, most people hate when you do that. Especially when it comes to food. Everyone has different relationships with eating, and it …
Seguir leyendo Rogue sticky note on grocery store ice cream inspires rage on the internet: ‘I didn’t realize I’d get a side of judgment’

‘Vegan cheese is the grossest thing I’ve ever tried’: Dad refuses to buy groceries for 15-year-old vegan daughter

Dietary choices are a very easy way to start family drama. When I first went vegetarian many years ago, my parents couldn’t get enough of worrying about my protein intake. While they have since calmed down about it, I can still sympathize with those who face breaking the news to their omnivorous relatives. I also …
Seguir leyendo ‘Vegan cheese is the grossest thing I’ve ever tried’: Dad refuses to buy groceries for 15-year-old vegan daughter

20+ Grocery Store Memes That Don’t Spare the Fresh Produce

Whenever my dad goes on vacation to somewhere new, he has one mission, and one mission alone: he has to find the nearest big grocery store. He simply cannot find peace and relax until he knows that he is within a several mile radius of a place where he can purchase a range of food, …
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‘An adult eats like this?’: Man shares large grocery haul, sparks debate about healthy eating

Out of all the varied topics that we deal with in life, few are as guaranteed to cause controversy as anything involving food. Cooking, eating, and grocery shopping just have something about them that can send the internet into a tailspin.  This happened once again on Twitter recently after somebody posted a Reddit screenshot of …
Seguir leyendo ‘An adult eats like this?’: Man shares large grocery haul, sparks debate about healthy eating

Entitled Gen Z Introverts Get Judged for Complaining About Talking to Retail Workers

I have always been and always will be a natural hermit. I very much enjoy being alone, and I am not the kind of person who would strike up a conversation with a stranger for the sake of it. However, I also recognize a couple of important disclaimers: first of all, not everybody is like …
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Revolutionary Thread Proposes Changes to Different Types of Annoying Grocery Packaging

Product design is one of those things that most of us don’t really think about until we don’t have a choice. When you’re doing your grocery shopping, there are a million and one things to consider before pondering why it is eggs come in a carton, or why that steak is vacuum wrapped.  However, the …
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Entitled Boomer Deems Self-Checkout Indecipherable, Tries to Cut Straight to the Cashier, Then Gets Put in Her Place– the Back of the Line

Remember back in the day when everyone was worried about robots taking over the world? Well, in a way, they have started– with cashier jobs!  A lot of Boomers advocated for menial tasks to be taken over by robots because it just made more sense to save money, which is exactly what big retail companies …
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Arctic Residents Share Outrageous Grocery Prices, Paying $47 For 4 Pieces of Chicken

How much you pay for groceries can often depend on where you live. We can scrimp and save as much as we want to, but if you live in NYC, there’s no way you’re not paying more for groceries than someone from Nebraska. That is unless you live in a super rural area of Nebraska, …
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A Fresh Sampling of 37 Costco Memes for Avid Kirkland Consumers

There are a number of things that make Costco great. For starters, it’s probably the only place in the world where you can buy industrial quantities of regular household good, while munching on a free dumpling sample in the jacuzzi/ice cream aisle. The chaotic mess of the entire warehouse-of-a-store is what gets the shoppers all …
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Dude Spends $100 on Paltry Amount of Groceries, Gets Roasted For Buying Pre-Cut Fruit and Name Brand Cereal

Grocery shopping is not easy these days. Inflation is high, and the prices just aren’t what they were two or three years ago. You have to be so strategic to get more bang for your buck, and even when you’re careful, you still end up spending a fortune.  My local grocery store has it’s perks. …
Seguir leyendo Dude Spends $100 on Paltry Amount of Groceries, Gets Roasted For Buying Pre-Cut Fruit and Name Brand Cereal