25+ Workout Memes for People Avoiding The Gym (May 18, 2024)

We all know how good working out is for us, and how great it makes us feel afterward, and yet it’s so hard to form a habit. Are our bodies just so resistant to change that we have to trick ourselves every time? Or is it the secret self-sabotage part of ourselves that wants us to suffer because we think we’re …
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25+ Gym Memes for Maximum Gains (May 11, 2024)

Going to the gym is like going to therapy. You know it’s good for you, but you might dread it every time before it happens. When the time comes to go, you’d rather do anything else. But you know it’s going to make you feel good after.  But there are a few worthy tips and tricks to …
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25+ Workout Memes for People Avoiding The Gym (May 4, 2024)

Like John Mulaney once said, «It is so much easier not to do things than to do them, that you would do anything is totally remarkable.» This is especially true about going to the gym. It is infinitely easier to stay home from the gym than it is to go. If you’re even a little bit out …
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29 Boulder Bashing Rock Climbing Memes to Flash on Your Next Cliff Bar Break

You’d be surprised by the number of people who start rock climbing because they’re afraid of heights. While it may be hard to believe, it’s the second most popular reason that anyone ever considers walking into a climbing gym (the first being the incessant peer pressure of a climber friend nagging about how ‘you’d love …
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‘People who train to make sad head voice go away’: 25+ Exercise memes for fitness fiends

One of my favorite forms of exercise is walking. It’s practical, it’s fun, and you don’t need any special equipment to do it. If there’s an option for a subway or a car or a moderately long walk, odds are I’m taking the walk. It helps get me excited for whatever I’m on my way …
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‘How’s my form?’: 25+ Exercise memes for fitness fiends

Everyone has their preferred mode of exercise, and no one mode is superior to another. If you get your kicks by kickboxing, or if you get your reps in at the racetrack, or if you get sweaty the the soccer field (OK I’m all out of alliterations), all that matters is that you’re staying active …
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Running Shoes Stuffed With 38 Memes to Race Through the Week

Run, run, as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m racing to the beach to catch a tan. See ya there, homie. Okay but before I run off, let’s talk about where I’m running away from, and why I’m running away. So firstly, I want to run away from my responsibilities at work. …
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‘The time of jacked nerd is here’: Fitness bros clown Mark Zuckerberg for video doing leg presses

Perhaps the most widely made fun of person on the internet is Mark Zuckerberg. It’s only right, seeing as he helped pioneer the cruel internet as we know it today. You can’t make a website asking people to rank college girls and not expect to get made fun of in turn. What goes around, comes …
Seguir leyendo ‘The time of jacked nerd is here’: Fitness bros clown Mark Zuckerberg for video doing leg presses

‘Random person at the gym calls you big man’: 25+ Exercise memes for fitness fiends

Can we talk for a moment about post-workout clarity? Not unlike another like of post-activity clarity, post-workout clarity is that feeling you get when you put down the weights, finish your last lap around the neighborhood, and call it a day on your sweat sesh. It’s one of the best feelings in the world. Not …
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Workout Memes for Dedicated Gym Rats Powering Through the Workout

Individuals who frequent gyms become enmeshed in the gym culture. The exclusive and elite fitness club is made up of a small number of people who are genuinely committed to the cause. Though a hobby like this demands a great deal of attention and effort, it’s important to keep track of humorous moments along the …
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