Fed-Up People Rally Against Airbnb’s Unreasonable Fees & Rules

I remember booking my first Airbnb. Some friends and I were heading to beautiful Tucson, Arizona for a wedding, and didn’t have the guap to stay at the fancy resort with the wedding party. We found a modest house (decorated with a ton of Kokopellis) for a fraction of the price. And it came with …
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Wily Tenant Tries To Prank Landlord, Probably Ends Up Messing With Sanitation Workers

It’s generally accepted that renting where you live can be a headache. From subpar properties to outrageous landlords, it’s easy to get angry about how hard it is for many of us to find somewhere decent to call home.  As a result, it’s no surprise that some of the most determined tenants like to try …
Seguir leyendo Wily Tenant Tries To Prank Landlord, Probably Ends Up Messing With Sanitation Workers

Woman Reveals Unglamorous Reality Of Manhattan Apartment

One of the main downsides of living in the city that never sleeps is that it doesn’t sleep because it’s so goddamn expensive. New York might be one of the most iconic places in the world, but it’s also got the kind of rent prices that many people would have to sell their soul to …
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Tenants Bemoan the Perils of Renting From Slumlords

Unless you’re filthy rich or still live with your parents, chances are you’ve experienced the Apartment From Hell at some point in your adult life. All things being relative, a nightmarish flat can mean different things to different people. For some it means having a roommate who mistakes the kitchen for the bathroom every time …
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