‘I was never supposed to approve your vacation’: Boss tries to renege on employees Christmas vacation that he approved in October

Asking for time off during the holidays is pretty tricky. Everybody wants to get a couple of extra days off during that weird twilight zone between Christmas and the New Year, but unless your PTO expires at the end of the year, good luck getting an extra week off of work. I understand that it’s …
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HR Department Sends Former Employee Birthday Card 3 Weeks After He Got Fired

Nothing quite says, «Happy Birthday!» like «You’re fired; I never want to see you again!» When you get fired, there’s a lot of pain and worry attached to it. You might not have a ton of money saved up during that crazy 1-6 month period of job hunting. That being said, getting canned can make …
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Overworked Junior Employee Quits Without Notice, Leaving Lazy Boss Hung Out to Dry

There comes a point in many low-level employees’ lives when they need to throw in the towel. If you’re inexperienced or don’t have a college degree, it can be easy to put up with a lot of mistreatment for a while because you know that you might not be able to find opportunities elsewhere. Even …
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Snitch Employee Tattles to HR Every Time Her Coworkers Say Something Not PC

Unlike many Redditors at r/antiwork, I believe HR exists for a good reason. Even though human resources can care more about protecting the company’s interests over individual employees, those interests can often be aligned. If you’re being discriminated against in the workplace, HR will likely want to protect you by any means necessary. It’s terrible …
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HR Takes Away Employees $20K Signing Bonus, Claims It’s Been $10K The Whole Time

When you’re young, you’re constantly told never to sign anything you’ve never read in full. Contracts always have little loopholes in them, and signing a bad contract can have negative effects on your life in the long term. While that’s true, how many times have y’all fully read a contract you signed? Sure, I read …
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Incompetent HR Department Refuses to Give Most Essential Employee an 8% Raise, Risks Future of the Company in the Process

When deciding whether to give an employee a raise, sometimes it’s not so obvious. If an employee is doing a fine job but not an outstanding job, it’s easy to put off giving them a raise until their performance improves. However, there are some employees that are so important, that go so above and beyond …
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‘I’m the only female in the group’: Boss makes only female engineer organize office lunches, employee stands her ground

As upsetting as this initially sounded, thankfully, this employee ended up standing up for herself. We know that gender bias exists in the workplace. This is obviously not new information and not the first time this conversation has made its way onto the internet. However, clearly there are some folks who still have yet to …
Seguir leyendo ‘I’m the only female in the group’: Boss makes only female engineer organize office lunches, employee stands her ground

‘She demanded I hire her’: Manager’s old company calls to begging him to hire his useless ex-coworker to get her off their hands

Imagine having a coworker so terrible that when you get a new management role and poach the members of your old team, your old HR manager actually gets mad at you for not poaching the awful one. That’s a scenario that boggles the mind so completely it’s hard to imagine this scenario actually playing out …
Seguir leyendo ‘She demanded I hire her’: Manager’s old company calls to begging him to hire his useless ex-coworker to get her off their hands

‘Just got passed up for a promotion’: IT employee denied promotion by CEO because HR says he’s part-time

We’ve all had the experience of being overlooked by an employer, but this guy had it rough. He had been working at his company for over a decade and had been clocking in over 40 hours a week, and yet somehow, he has been plagued with the status of being a part-time employee despite everyone …
Seguir leyendo ‘Just got passed up for a promotion’: IT employee denied promotion by CEO because HR says he’s part-time

Genius HR Karen Calls Coworker ‘Dumb Blonde’ in Front of Her Boss

I have never been discriminated against on the ground of being blonde. A blessed bottle of bleach touched my scalp for the first time when I was twenty, and I’ve been addicted ever since. Being blonde has gotten me nothing but compliments and a couple of wild assumptions that it’s natural, which is absurd considering …
Seguir leyendo Genius HR Karen Calls Coworker ‘Dumb Blonde’ in Front of Her Boss