‘I have 8 years of experience, and I’m not finding a job’: Computer programmers complain their degree isn’t the cash cow it once was, giving humanities folks schadenfreude

The feud between STEM kids and humanities kids is long and storied. In a society where you’re made to feel you’re either one or the other at a very young age, the division becomes as real as cat people vs dog people. And both sides have grievances. Humanities kids are generally jealous of the economic …
Seguir leyendo ‘I have 8 years of experience, and I’m not finding a job’: Computer programmers complain their degree isn’t the cash cow it once was, giving humanities folks schadenfreude

‘He couldn’t stand the idea of working for someone else’: Breadwinner girlfriend splits expenses 70/30 with jazz musician boyfriend, argues with him about getting a ‘real job’

Being an artist is all about sacrifices. You have to either be willing to live on a shoestring budget, piecing together work while you can, or give in to a ‘real job’ that you can do while pursuing your interests. But things get messy when you try to depend on another person for your financial freedom, especially if that person is …
Seguir leyendo ‘He couldn’t stand the idea of working for someone else’: Breadwinner girlfriend splits expenses 70/30 with jazz musician boyfriend, argues with him about getting a ‘real job’

‘No children in the home younger than 16’: Job posting advertises crazy, Orwellian work-from-home stipulations

The ability to work from home has been a huge boon for many of the workers of the world. Over-surveillance hasn’t. The nice thing about working from home is not having to commute, spend money on lunch, and have to put on shoes. But it also adds a nice level of flexibility. If your kid needs something, or if you …
Seguir leyendo ‘No children in the home younger than 16’: Job posting advertises crazy, Orwellian work-from-home stipulations

‘She called me ‘titleless»: Recruiter gushes over applicant for 1st half of job interview, bashes her experience for the 2nd half

It’s not common for a job interviewer to tell you exactly what they think of you during the interview. You’re often left guessing whether they like you or not purely on vibes. In my experience, the vibes of the interviewer are a much more perceptive way to tell if you’re going to get the job …
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25 Hilarious LinkedIn Posts From Career Hustlers

LinkedIn is my nightmare social media. It’s full of all the people I knew from high school and college who work for investment banks and want me to congratulate them on their promotion. It feels so phony– like everyone is putting on their work face and pretending they aren’t fun. I get you have to …
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‘You owe them zip’: Employee sends biting reply to boss who withheld PTO payout

When you leave a job, you do the best you can to tie things in a nice bow for your employers, if it was a nice working relationship. But the reality is, you don’t really owe them anything other than 2 week’s notice and a little courtesy. Everything else is extra. It’s certainly not a …
Seguir leyendo ‘You owe them zip’: Employee sends biting reply to boss who withheld PTO payout

‘Why did you send me this resume?’: Job recruiter gaslights airline wiring applicant into thinking they’re unqualified

Job recruiters are an equally interesting and annoying part of the contemporary job landscape. If your information is out there on any of the job search sites, chances are you’ve gotten an email from someone who wants you to work for them. But the thing with those is that it’s never the jobs you actually …
Seguir leyendo ‘Why did you send me this resume?’: Job recruiter gaslights airline wiring applicant into thinking they’re unqualified

‘They are not hiring and I don’t know why’: Gen-Z woman with 2 degrees hands out resumes in NYC, gets rejected everywhere

When I first moved to NYC, I did what many people starting out do, and I walked around with printed copies of my resume. I was looking for anything, really. Just something to help get me on my feet while I settled in. It sounds very old-fashioned, but it worked. Especially with service industry work, …
Seguir leyendo ‘They are not hiring and I don’t know why’: Gen-Z woman with 2 degrees hands out resumes in NYC, gets rejected everywhere

‘I wasn’t even given a single shift’: Hotel chain fires employee before they start

Getting fired can send you into a spiral of self-doubt. Even if you feel justified in your actions, you can’t help but feel the bruise to your ego. What’s worse, though, is losing a job and not knowing why. One of my friends was fired from a job with very little notice or forewarning, leaving …
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The Weird, Unknown Jobs That Actually Pay Really Well

Everybody’s got a gig these days. Whether you’re a full-time working stiff or a freewheeling freelancer, you’ve found a niche and you’re filling it. Some niches are niche-er than others, though. Some jobs are obvious and straightforward. We know we need teachers, servers, doctors, and Memebase editors, but what about the jobs that are a …
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