‘I’d like to rescind my application’: Offensive recruiter loses prospective employee over insulting email

In the immortal words of The Smiths, «I was looking for a job and then I found a job, and heaven knows I’m miserable now.» Finding a job is one of life’s most guaranteed miseries. Sending application after application, getting rejected left and right… it can take a toll on the spirit. It can feel …
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Interviewer Rejects Candidate After He Guesses The Salary Range Incorrectly

There’s something uniquely challenging about negotiating your salary for your first job out of college. Once you’ve worked a couple of years and feel more established, it’s much easier to stand your ground and say, «I won’t take your paltry offer!» When you’re fresh out of college, you are so desperate for a job that …
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Job Applicant Withdraws Application After Being Made To Do Free Labor

There are so many things that can be asked of you during the process of applying for a job. I’ve had to take aptitude tests, send writing samples, and, of course, explain my entire life in the hope that I’ll be offered the chance to perform labor. Some job application processes seem excessive; I’ve never …
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Unsuspecting Worker Hired and Fired From a Job They Never Knew About

Starting a new job can be stressful. You’ve presumably gone through an arduous search for this position, sent in dozens of applications, and showed up for interviews. Selling yourself can be emotionally exhausting, not to mention send you in a spiral about your value and worth (if you’re anything like me). And when you finally …
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Shady IT Department Forces Applicants To Quit Their Current Jobs, Immediately Eliminates The Job They Applied For

Applying for a new job while you’re still employed is a tricky process. It’s difficult to know what order you should do things in, especially when a prospective new job wants you to begin as soon as humanly possible. You can risk putting in your two-week notice before you get an offer letter, but that’s …
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Company Cancels Job Interview Mid-Interview Because of Sudden ‘Hiring Freeze,’ Asks Interviewee to do Free Labor

Anybody who has been on the job hunt knows how much work you have to put into it. You have to tailor your resume to each specific company, write cover letters and personal statements, and do it quickly so you’re one of the first names they see on their big pile of resumes. You do …
Seguir leyendo Company Cancels Job Interview Mid-Interview Because of Sudden ‘Hiring Freeze,’ Asks Interviewee to do Free Labor

Workers Share How They Deal With Lowballing Job Interviewers

There is no surefire way to get a recruiter to be honest with you about the salary range they’re hiring within. That’s the kind of information they want to keep private, usually for the purpose of lowballing interviewees if they can. Sure, there’s the occasional recruiter who wants to give you a salary at the …
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Foolish Recruiter Offers Candidate $15K Less Than Her Current Position, Freaks Out When She Ghosts Them

It’s important to maintain professional correspondence when speaking with a recruiter. Even if you don’t feel great about the prospective job, you might as well save face over email, even if you’re cursing them out on the other side of the computer. Like all things, this notion of maintaining professionalism has exceptions. If a job …
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Bitter Recruiter Accuses Applicant of Applying for Jobs Solely to Negotiate a Pay-Raise at their Current Job

One of the hardest parts about having a job is figuring out how to get more money. Some jobs make getting a raise a piece of cake, but those positions are few and far between. For the majority of places, you either have to ask nicely for more money, get a whole new job, or …
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Company Rescinds Job Offer and Screws Over Applicant, Gets Mad About Negative Glassdoor Review

Something needs to be done about companies that treat job applicants like complete garbage. Until that day comes, regular people with no power will continue to use one of the few tools at their disposal—the humble (but mighty) negative review. Shortly after u/albanska put in their two weeks notice after accepting a position at a …
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