Manager Secretly Records 1-On-1 With Employee, Accidently Sends It to Him

It’s no secret we’ve been living in more of a surveillance state than ever before. I often think about how nearly every college class I took during the 2020-2021 school year was recorded and put online for the students who didn’t attend Zoom class that day. Every word the professor spoke, every discussion we had, …
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Manager Secretly Records 1-On-1 With Employee, Accidentally Sends It to Him

It’s no secret we’ve been living in more of a surveillance state than ever before. I often think about how nearly every college class I took during the 2020-2021 school year was recorded and put online for the students who didn’t attend Zoom class that day. Every word the professor spoke, every discussion we had, …
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‘Hedge fund managers’: The most useless and overpaid jobs, according to Reddit

If we’re being honest, many of the jobs that exist in society today aren’t exactly essential to the functioning of the human race. They could disappear tomorrow and the world wouldn’t end. However, some of these roles are given more unwarranted status and compensation than others. Your average entry-level spreadsheet position isn’t exactly going to …
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‘Slander is illegal and can cost you lots and lots of money’: Aggressive CEO replies to negative Glassdoor review, proves the reviewer right

A particular class of business owners are convinced that aggressively responding to their negative online reviews will make them look good. I’m here to tell them that screaming and hollering at bad reviews makes said reviews look much more valid. I had a nefarious therapist as a teenager, and out of curiosity, I recently checked …
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Company fires employee who relocated for the job after 3 months of working: ‘I uprooted my life to move over here’

Relocation is a tough decision to make. If your entire social network lives in one state or city, leaving in search of an opportunity that may or may not serve you in the long run can feel hazardous. While that’s true, sometimes you get an offer you can’t refuse and choose to uproot your life, …
Seguir leyendo Company fires employee who relocated for the job after 3 months of working: ‘I uprooted my life to move over here’

‘I do not work there’: Boss asks for doctor’s note for employee’s wife’s surgery after she takes PTO to take care of her

When you’re a working adult, doctor’s notes become a thing of the past. When you must miss work to go to the doctor, you usually tell your boss, and they believe you. I understand why K-12 schools might want a student’s doctor’s note to prevent truancy, but they are still a bit of a hassle, …
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Part-Time Job Demands Employee Be ‘On Call’ From 9-6

Having a part-time job can really take it out of you. Full-time jobs might technically take up more of your time, but they’re usually much more predictable. If you’re working from 9-5 for five days every week, you don’t have that added stress of waiting for a schedule to come out or begging your coworkers …
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Boss Tells Overworked Contractor to Get a Therapist, It Majorly Backfires

As the world gets crazier, more and more of us are turning to therapy. It’s a great option to have someone to talk to who’s not your friend or family member. After all, we don’t pay them to listen to our nonsense. And nor do they want to be paid for that distinct privilege. I …
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‘You’re manifesting my business’s failure’: Dispiteous boss accuses employee of «manifesting failure» of her business

Get your Tarot cards out and crystals ready cause we’re out here trying to manifest the failure of every terrible boss we’ve ever had. Like, can you imagine getting called into a meeting with HR just because your «vibes» were off? Like, heck, Erin, so what if I was in the water closet building a …
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‘HR isn’t your friend’: 30+ people share their best professional advice

There is no rulebook for how to be a working professional. Life gets much more complicated once you’re no longer working a low-stakes job at the Wolfgang Puck Express inside a regional airport, where you’re not particularly concerned with your professional development. When you’re working a big boy job with an annual salary and everything, …
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