Entitled Karens Who Are Completely Addicted to Complaining

If you told us a few years ago that insane Karens would still be a hot topic, we might not believe you, and we would definitely not want to believe you. Rage filled, entitled people are a plague upon the world, and it seems like that’s especially true here in the United States as well …
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AITA: ‘Peeping Tom kids’: Teenager scolded by neighborhood Karen for watching a horror movie because snooping children stared into his living room

When you’re in the privacy of your own home, it’s generally pretty accepted that you’re allowed to do whatever the eff you want to do and nobody really has a say in it. However, for decades, Karens have been superimposing themselves on the lives of everyone around them, forcing people to yield to their conveniences …
Seguir leyendo AITA: ‘Peeping Tom kids’: Teenager scolded by neighborhood Karen for watching a horror movie because snooping children stared into his living room

Miserable Karen Berates Waiter Over a Side of Butter

Karens have been around long before we labeled them as Karens. A lot of boomers don’t like the Karen label (usually because they display some Karen tendencies themselves), but boomers can’t deny that the term Karen serves a specific and useful linguistic function. There didn’t use to be a concise word to describe an entitled, …
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Geriatric Karen Bullies Youthful Female Employee For Her Looks

It’s been a while since I’ve dealt with 100% genuine mean girl bullies. As you grow older, you’re a lot less likely to run into unashamedly cruel women who want to take you down a notch. A lot of the mean girls from middle school and high school grow up, learn the error of their …
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Karen Attacks Hotel Worker For Drinking at a Bar After Work

What you do outside of work hours is your business. No customer, parent, or boss should have any say in what you do when you’re off the clock. I feel bad for people with highly scrutinized professions, like teachers, who need to drive an hour away to feel comfortable going to a bar. So many …
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Attention-Seeking Karen Insists on Wearing a Wedding Dress to a Family Wedding

I have a confession to make: I wore a white dress to the first and only wedding I’ve ever been to. Granted, I was 8-years old, and the flower girl, and the bride helped pick out my dress. Although I got away with it then, I’ll never be able to again. If there’s one thing …
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Invasive Karen «Needs» Her Son’s Boss’ Number So She Can Check Up On Him At Work

It’s hard to let the baby bird leave the nest. Many parents struggle to balance being involved in their kids’ lives and being overly involved. I understand the struggle! At one point, you had to work day in and day out to ensure this young human survived. Flash forward a few years, and they seem …
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Entitled Karen Claims Disney Employee ‘Destroyed The Magic’ By Making Small Talk About Sports

Disney theme park employees, or «cast members,» have different requirements regarding whether they must stay in character. In Pandora: The World of Avatar, cast members are required to act as if the events of the Avatar movies are real. They refer to the movies as  «documentaries» and are committed to immersing guests in the Na’vi …
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British Karen Parks in Two Spots, Accuses Dude Next To Her of Scratching Her Car

The hallmark trait of a Karen is entitlement. Most Karens want to control every person around them, even while they are making the most demanding and absurd requests. Not only do they believe the world revolves around them, but they will ensure that everyone around them knows the world revolves around them and make it …
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Male Karen Explodes at Son-In Law For Tipping at a Restaurant

Anyone who has worked as a waiter knows that people who don’t tip are the worst. In the United States, many waiters only get paid $2 hourly and, therefore, only survive on tips. Some restaurants don’t even pay their servers an hourly wage. This is basically common knowledge at this point, so for most people, …
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