25 Of The Best Leonardo DiCaprio Memes To Celebrate His Birthday

Happy Birthday to our favorite meme! Oops, I mean…actor. Our favorite meme’d actor. Throughout his career, Leonardo DiCaprio has been providing memelords with content gold for meme templates and we couldn’t be more grateful. Maybe some people thought the memes would stop once Leo finally received an Oscar for The Revenant in 2016, but oh …
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Groan-Worthy Dad Jokes For Lovers Of Corny Humor

While Dads might be the most prolific purveyors of corny humor, you don’t have to be a father figure to appreciate this massive batch of memes and jokes. From eyeroll-inducing puns to Impact font cringe, these memes are accessible to people of all ages. As a bonus, they’ll make you appreciate clever memes and tweets …
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42 Memes For People Who Need A Break

Life’s endless grind got you down? Do you find yourselves craving the sweet release of death? We have some good news. There’s something better out there than a premature demise. We’re talkin’ bout memes. Giving oneself up to the dumb humor of image macros greatly rivals going to The Dark Place. And we’ve got a …
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Sixteen Double Take-Worthy ‘Bootleg Celebrities’

There are a lot of enterprising celebrity lookalikes out there. They make good money performing at events and on Instagram. But what about the lookalikes that aren’t famous, and just exist in the world? That’s what this gallery is dedicated to. From unfortunately coiffed Macedonian Britney Spears, to a bloated and pudgy Leo-lookalike, these doppelgangers …
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The Dank Drop: 25 Of Our Favorite Dank Memes Of The Week (9-19 To 9-25)

It’s Friday, and while for many of us that might be a meaningless designation of time, it’s also when we share our favorite dank memes of the week. This week’s edition of The Dank Drop reflects the internet’s newfound obsession with Among Us– as well as a new Leonardo DiCapriomeme format. It’s a nice mix …
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Forty Memes For People Who Need A Lil Dopamine

We don’t think that anyone needs an excuse to peruse memes. We think its our right to indulge in procrasturbatory meme-scrolling. It feels like life’s been giving us so few rewards lately. We absolutely deserve some memes as a treat. And there are a whole lot of ‘em right here.

Random Memes For The Humor-Deprived

If real life has got you down and you’re seeking an escape, look no further. This carefully curated batch of memes is here to save the day. It’s jam-packed with humorous memes, relatable tweets, and as a bonus? A crap ton of laughing Leonardo DiCaprio memes.What more could a bored person want?