Manager Scolds a Tech Support Guy After He’s Found Fixing a Personal Laptop at Work, Gets Humiliated After Learning it’s the CEO’s Computer

In the corporate world, there’s always a hierarchy. As the lowly pleebs that waltz through the front door every morning clocking 40+ hours every week, it’s safe to say that we don’t have too much clout in the corporate ranking system. Unless you’re a good-haired CEO with shiny shoes and an entire team devoted to …
Seguir leyendo Manager Scolds a Tech Support Guy After He’s Found Fixing a Personal Laptop at Work, Gets Humiliated After Learning it’s the CEO’s Computer

IT Support Gets Slammed For Working In Lieu, Charges Company for Overtime Instead

While there are a lot of people with vested interests who don’t want us to know this, there are a lot of jobs that don’t really require the classic five day, nine to five work week. If the explosion of remote working in this decade has taught us anything, it’s that most office roles are …
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Incompetent Tech Company Insists on Holding 3-Hour Meeting After Software Deployment, Making Dev Unavailable to Fix Bugs

In a classic case of ‘F around and find out’, redditor u/Sinaneos decided to let their incompetent team have their way after they insisted on holding a 3-hour meeting on a Friday instead of pushing it to Monday so that OP could address inevitable post-software deployment issues. Because OP was stuck in the pointless meeting, …
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New Wife Gets Shamed by In-Laws for Declining to Cook With the Women

It’s pretty wild that some people still essentially think that women belong in the kitchen. In u/hatethistradition‘s case, her in-laws managed to mask their outdated opinions about gender roles until after she got married. Up until that blessed day, OP was always treated as a guest in her partner’s mother’s home. Once they tied the …
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Douchey Retail Manager Accuses Worker Covering Shift of Trespassing at 5 AM, Gets Hit With Malicious Compliance

I don’t want to make too many excuses for those who make up the managerial class, but that kind of job isn’t always an easy ride. Being in that kind of position makes someone a lot more liable for anything that goes wrong at work than if they were a lowly intern.  That being said, …
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Man Gets Tired of Client Ignoring 3-Hour Time Zone Difference, So He Does the Same

As a ‘digital nomad’ who works for a company that has employees all over the world, I try to respect the time zones of others. For instance, if I get online at 8am to start working, I don’t expect anyone who lives three thousand miles away to hop in a Zoom meeting until it suits …
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Car Salesman Humiliates Lazy Manager by Simply Following His Orders

Sometimes all you have to do to expose a terrible manager’s incompetence and laziness is follow their orders to a T. Don’t try and correct them—you won’t be doing yourself any favors, especially if you’ve got one of those arrogantly incorrect bosses. Resist the urge to generously interpret what they command into some semblance of …
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Restaurant Worker Maliciously Complies to Expose Management’s Incompetence

Labor takes time, and that time is essentially purchased from an employee by an employer. That’s kind of how jobs work. When a manager decides they don’t want to pay for someone’s time anymore, do they expect the labor to magically get done within a significantly reduced timeframe? It sure seems like that’s what u/AssultTank1‘s …
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Company Enforces Same Punishment Regardless of Lateness, Employee Takes Their Sweet Time

Managers (especially new ones) usually come up with ridiculous rules without considering human behavior and basic cause and effect. If you enforce the same punishment for someone who shows up 5 minutes late to work as someone who arrives 3 hours late to work, do you really think this will prevent general lateness? No, more …
Seguir leyendo Company Enforces Same Punishment Regardless of Lateness, Employee Takes Their Sweet Time

Woman Gets Interrupted on Family Trip to Amusement Park by Entitled Karen Who Demands She Give Her Child ‘Candy’

When you take your kids on a family trip to an amusement park, I bet the last thing you’d assume were to happen would be that a sniveling, nosy, entitled Karen would demand you give HER children candy. Or maybe you would assume that I don’t know anymore. Karens are everywhere. Especially where you wish …
Seguir leyendo Woman Gets Interrupted on Family Trip to Amusement Park by Entitled Karen Who Demands She Give Her Child ‘Candy’