‘You must be kidding!’: Boss Emails Entire Company Employee’s Salary Details, Including Expected ‘Raise’

For reasons that are still unknown, salary has proven to be one of the most private and sensitive bits of information in the business world for years, if not decades. What would you do, then, if your pay increase was unintentionally disclosed to the entire company? Would you be happy to brag about your raise, or …
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Manager scolds barista for rejecting customer’s advances, instructs her to tell him to come again if he wants to see her: ‘That encourages him to be even more creepy’

Being a young woman working in the service industry is all about being able to put up with a constant barrage of humiliation and abuse. Customers can literally say anything they want to you, and you’re expected to take it and have a good attitude. You have to have an incredibly chill and sweet demeanor, …
Seguir leyendo Manager scolds barista for rejecting customer’s advances, instructs her to tell him to come again if he wants to see her: ‘That encourages him to be even more creepy’

‘It was really stressful and inconvenient for me to find coverage’: Manager asks employee to pay $100 to coworker who covered her shift

I empathize with managers who struggle to get workers to cover shifts for their fellow employees. It’s so screwed up that they have to do their jobs and make sure that the business is functioning, and it’s super selfish for employees to get sick out of the blue without even asking management first! I’m messing …
Seguir leyendo ‘It was really stressful and inconvenient for me to find coverage’: Manager asks employee to pay $100 to coworker who covered her shift

Micromanager boss reprimands employee for arriving ‘2-3 minutes’ late from lunch: ‘Companies pay people good money to babysit adults’

Micromanaging will get you nowhere. Nobody likes a backseat driver. Everyone is the main character of their own story, so they generally don’t appreciate when others treat them like an incapable child. Heck, I didn’t even enjoy that when I was a kid. Let me free, man. I can handle my own business. But unfortunately, …
Seguir leyendo Micromanager boss reprimands employee for arriving ‘2-3 minutes’ late from lunch: ‘Companies pay people good money to babysit adults’

29-year-old tech worker making $400K annually working 20 hours a week complains about being bored: ‘If he quits, good luck finding half that amount’

So many rich people are clueless about how good they have it. From the way richies talk online, anyone making less than $100K a year must be slumming in extreme poverty that can never be rectified. I understand that living «comfortably» differs amongst classes, but anyone saying that making $300,000 a year in NYC is …
Seguir leyendo 29-year-old tech worker making $400K annually working 20 hours a week complains about being bored: ‘If he quits, good luck finding half that amount’

‘It’s not your job to Cover shifts’: Manager expects employee to work off the clock, employee threatens to quit

I think being a manager in a customer service job might be one of the worst gigs out there. Not only do you have all the pain and annoyance of working that kind of job, but you also have the added responsibility of everything going wrong falling on your shoulders. You’re the ultimate fall guy. …
Seguir leyendo ‘It’s not your job to Cover shifts’: Manager expects employee to work off the clock, employee threatens to quit

Management takes away employee’s sick day if they’re 1 minute late for 4 shifts; ‘Is this legal?’

I am not someone who is cool when people are late all the time. My time on this earth is valuable, and I don’t appreciate having to wait for 20 minutes outside of a restaurant in the cold because my friend’s «train» was «late.» At the same time, I’m not a wholly unreasonable person. I …
Seguir leyendo Management takes away employee’s sick day if they’re 1 minute late for 4 shifts; ‘Is this legal?’

‘Add another zero’: Manager offers ex-employee $50 to work a shift, claims to be desperate for staff

One of my best friends has a mantra in her office: «You don’t work at the hospital.» It’s easy to get swept up in the hubbub of your job and feel like it is the most essential thing in the world, but for most of us, that’s not true. Ensuring that Craig, his wife, and …
Seguir leyendo ‘Add another zero’: Manager offers ex-employee $50 to work a shift, claims to be desperate for staff

Manager Secretly Records 1-On-1 With Employee, Accidently Sends It to Him

It’s no secret we’ve been living in more of a surveillance state than ever before. I often think about how nearly every college class I took during the 2020-2021 school year was recorded and put online for the students who didn’t attend Zoom class that day. Every word the professor spoke, every discussion we had, …
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Manager Secretly Records 1-On-1 With Employee, Accidentally Sends It to Him

It’s no secret we’ve been living in more of a surveillance state than ever before. I often think about how nearly every college class I took during the 2020-2021 school year was recorded and put online for the students who didn’t attend Zoom class that day. Every word the professor spoke, every discussion we had, …
Seguir leyendo Manager Secretly Records 1-On-1 With Employee, Accidentally Sends It to Him