A Mouthful of Hilarious Cooking Memes for Amateur Chefs (May 29, 2024)

Eating is one of the best simple pleasures in life, so I think it’s fair to say that anybody who is a good cook deserves to get some recognition for it. They are taking something that is a vital need and elevating it to the kind of thing that is often the highlight of our …
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‘You’re lucky I even made this for you’: Man Prepares Bland Meal for Brother’s Wife After She Insults His Homemade Cooking at Family Dinner

Cooking can be a sore subject, especially if you pride yourself in your abilities.  I for one, won’t be seen in a kitchen. I’m not a good cook, nor do I want to be. Plain and simple. My special talents lie elsewhere. Anyway, back to the story… one man took to Reddit after his sister-in-law …
Seguir leyendo ‘You’re lucky I even made this for you’: Man Prepares Bland Meal for Brother’s Wife After She Insults His Homemade Cooking at Family Dinner

‘I can just imagine how his liver feels’: Picky eater gets roasted for taking 2 weeks of food on all-inclusive vacation

Adult picky eaters are not a group of people who inspire a lot of sympathy in most people. While there are legitimate reasons for some who have a very restricted diet, being the guy who doesn’t eat any vegetables is almost never a good look. It can also make living your life a lot more …
Seguir leyendo ‘I can just imagine how his liver feels’: Picky eater gets roasted for taking 2 weeks of food on all-inclusive vacation

A Mouthful of Hilarious Cooking Memes for Amateur Chefs (May 22, 2024)

One thing that is simultaneously one of the biggest annoyances and pleasures of cooking is that it forces us to slow down. If we want to eat something that requires more effort than four and a half minutes in the microwave, we have to set aside the time in our busy day to make that …
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A Mouthful of Hilarious Cooking Memes for Amateur Chefs (May 15, 2024)

Great cooking can be the perfect example of how genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Do you think being a chef in a Michelin-starred restaurant is all fun and fancy? The reality is that much of the workday is taken up by chopping endless vegetables or gutting fish.  On a lesser scale, the same …
Seguir leyendo A Mouthful of Hilarious Cooking Memes for Amateur Chefs (May 15, 2024)

‘She be hating on her daughter’s cooking’: Narcissistic mom trashes chef daughter’s homecooked meal, retaliates by making mayonnaise chicken

Ask many people who first taught them the basics of cooking, and they’ll probably say something about learning from a family member. However, not everybody is blessed with a kindly close relative to show them the ropes. Growing up with parents who are seemingly unable to follow a tasty recipe is a very unfortunate predicament. …
Seguir leyendo ‘She be hating on her daughter’s cooking’: Narcissistic mom trashes chef daughter’s homecooked meal, retaliates by making mayonnaise chicken

A Mouthful of Hilarious Cooking Memes for Amateur Chefs (May 8, 2024)

While it is an undeniable truth that learning to cook is one of the most important everyday skills that a person can master, there are some unspoken conditions to this. First up, you need to have the reserves of time and energy to do it. Then, you need to budget appropriately for the kind of …
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A Mouthful of Hilarious Cooking Memes for Amateur Chefs (May 1, 2024)

The thing about cooking is that it is not always as simple as throwing a few random items in a pan and hoping for the best. You’ve got to take the time to consider the dietary requirements and preferences of everybody eating, where and when you’re going to get ingredients, and if you actually know …
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A Mouthful of Hilarious Cooking Memes for Amateur Chefs (April 24, 2024)

It’s one of life’s insurmountable challenges that food is so necessary and enjoyable, but that it takes such effort to cook it. While we can survive on takeout and pre-processed goods, it’s not exactly the healthiest and most sustainable option. I hate to admit it, but I feel a lot better in myself when I …
Seguir leyendo A Mouthful of Hilarious Cooking Memes for Amateur Chefs (April 24, 2024)

A Mouthful of Hilarious Cooking Memes for Amateur Chefs (April 17, 2024)

One of my favorite life hacks for feeling productive after I’ve wasted away in bed all morning is getting in the kitchen and cooking a substantial meal. I’ve engaged in a hobby, rewarded myself with something delicious, and created leftovers to enjoy for the rest of the week? Nothing can stop me now! I may …
Seguir leyendo A Mouthful of Hilarious Cooking Memes for Amateur Chefs (April 17, 2024)