Nurse Memes For Nurses Rounding During the Night Shift

Most jobs have pretty simple schedules. You go in during the morning, leave in the evening, sleep, and come back the following day to do it all over again. Nursing is not most jobs. When you’re a nurse, you could be working the night shift one day and working the day shift another day. It …
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20+ Sick Day Memes For Convalescing in Bed

You never appreciate how good it is to feel healthy until it is snatched away from you out of nowhere. When you’re a kid, sometimes you wish you would miraculously get sick so you don’t have to go to school the next day. That is, until you’re actually really sick and spend the rest of …
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25+ Nurse Memes for Hardworking Medical Professionals Surviving the Night Shift as Best They Can

We are in the thick of Q4, and you would think that this time of the fiscal year would only be crazy for businesses trying to reach their financial goals before the year is out. All of us with email jobs are really «working hard» in these weeks leading up to Christmas, counting down the …
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A Hot Cuppa 26 Memes for Nurses Working the Night Shift

You arrive at 6:15, greet your coworkers, and find your patient assignment for the night which usually includes anywhere from 1 to 6 patients. Ladida, you then receive bedside reports, and chat a bit with your patients, asking them how they are, how their day went, etc. You then begin getting HS medication ready and …
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30 Memes for Nurses at the End of Their Rope

Healthcare workers are heroes and deserve a little meme time now and then. Grey’s Anatomy might make it look fun, but art doesn’t always imitate life. From feisty patients to long, exhausting shifts, being a nurse requires a lot of the body and soul. A lot of my family members are nurses, and they come from a …
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Terrifying Facts Enough to Make Anybody Lose Sleep At Night

In my opinion, the craziest thing about believing the most outlandish conspiracy theories is that what can be experienced in scientifically provable reality is wild enough. Reality can be terrifying, and I don’t just mean that in a spending 60+ years in an unstable and depressing job market kind of way. The realities of this …
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People Share The Most Unprofessional Things Doctors Have Said to Them

If you’ve been to the doctor enough times, you know that they don’t always know what’s best for you. So many people in the medical profession take a cursory look at patients and say the first thing that comes to their mind, regardless of whether it’s appropriate or relevant. I’ve heard more stories than you …
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An Entire Medicine Cabinet Stocked With 25 of the Sickest Memes to Cure the Common Cold

Being sick as an adult is the worst. You’re sweaty, work is piling up, and there’s nothing to drown out the loud pounding headache in your ears. When we were all kids, it was the cool thing to stay at home from school and take a sick day, but as an adult, there’s no all-day …
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30+ Doctor Memes for Health Care Aficionados Looking For Laughs in the Waiting Room

This may be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t really mind going to the doctor for a regular check-up. Of course, if I’m experiencing a specific issue or ailment, it’s a little nerve-wracking. For the most part, I just sit in a waiting room, see a doctor, who checks me out, and tells me that …
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A Selection of the Worst Medical Takes Twitter Has To Offer

Social media at large is certainly not a medical forum, but its users sure like to pretend it is. In the past couple of years, there have been…situations, one might say, that have increased the amount of medical discourse that happens among non-medical professionals both on social media and in the world at large. It …
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