‘You were supposed to meet my family’: Woman Invites Girlfriend Over for Family Cookout, She Never Shows Up

Meeting your partner’s family is usually a big deal, one that many people believe is important when dating someone. Admittedly, I once was the type of person to say or do anything to get out of meeting my partner’s family. Maybe it’s because my ex’s mom hated me and I just automatically assumed that the …
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Rogue sticky note on grocery store ice cream inspires rage on the internet: ‘I didn’t realize I’d get a side of judgment’

Everyone has an opinion. As the saying goes, they’re as ubiquitous as… a certain undesirable part of our body. But that doesn’t mean we have to go shoving it in people’s faces. In fact, most people hate when you do that. Especially when it comes to food. Everyone has different relationships with eating, and it …
Seguir leyendo Rogue sticky note on grocery store ice cream inspires rage on the internet: ‘I didn’t realize I’d get a side of judgment’

‘Some days we aren’t here at all’: Small business’ unpredictable hours angers time-keepers of the internet

I wish we could return to a more rough-and-tumble way of life. Like the days of the Wild West, or maybe just the Wild West of the movies. I wish I was on a first-name basis with my local barkeep, and I wish he knew just how I liked my sasparilla. I wish I had …
Seguir leyendo ‘Some days we aren’t here at all’: Small business’ unpredictable hours angers time-keepers of the internet

‘Complete your job, then leave quietly’: Top Mildly Infuriating Stories of the Week

People are so, so annoying. On a flight, they’ll put their feet on your armrest (I cannot fathom how somebody dares to do this), they’ll push past you in line at the supermarket, they’ll block your car in when you’re about to leave for work… You know, the usual Karen stuff. Is there any good …
Seguir leyendo ‘Complete your job, then leave quietly’: Top Mildly Infuriating Stories of the Week

Repairman receives deranged note urging him not to interact with customer’s pregnant wife: ‘You were warned’

It seems as though everyone’s afraid of human interaction these days. I get it, I’m an introvert. I will see someone I know on the street and try to cross the street before they see me. I cherish my alone time. But there’s a point where it goes too far. Despite my inclinations, I usually …
Seguir leyendo Repairman receives deranged note urging him not to interact with customer’s pregnant wife: ‘You were warned’

Shady landlord wants to park RV on tenant’s property, won’t take no for an answer: ‘He wants to rent the property and have it too’

If there’s one thing about landlords it’s this: they will attempt to get away with whatever they can. Because they often have nothing to lose. It’s much easier for them to deal with complaints as they arise rather than trying to get ahead of anything that might go wrong. They hold all the power, and …
Seguir leyendo Shady landlord wants to park RV on tenant’s property, won’t take no for an answer: ‘He wants to rent the property and have it too’

20+ Mildly Infuriating Things That Are Unquestionably Irritating

Being annoyed is a terrible feeling to have. It implies that your peace has been disrupted, but so drastically that you get to have a big, movie-score-appropriate emotion like anger or sadness. Your natural order of things has been disrupted, but if you point it out there’s a chance you come across as peevish and …
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‘Time to move, I guess’: Careless landlord empties tenant’s fridge, leaving everything to spoil

Your fridge is your sanctuary. It’s where you keep your most precious memories (leftovers) and where you plan your most ambitious visions for the future (fresh produce). The state of my fridge reflects the state of my mind. Sometimes it is full of possibility– zucchini waiting to be sauteed, eggs ready to be fried. It’s …
Seguir leyendo ‘Time to move, I guess’: Careless landlord empties tenant’s fridge, leaving everything to spoil

Coworker demands employee come in unpaid on his day off to check freezer temperature: ‘Yea, I ain’t doing that’

To work or not to work when you’re not being paid? That is the million-dollar question many employees have to ask themselves daily. In my honest opinion, I think whether you can or should work off the clock depends on what kind of job you have. If you have a coffee shop MacBook gig paying …
Seguir leyendo Coworker demands employee come in unpaid on his day off to check freezer temperature: ‘Yea, I ain’t doing that’

‘I am embarrassed for his teacher’: Parent complains about nonsensical grading rubric for eighth grader son’s school project

One problem that every kind of teacher has to try and solve is how you capture and keep the attention of a class. What might work in one year totally fails the next. If you’ve been in the profession for a long time, Gen Alpha might not be captivated by the same tactics as millennials …
Seguir leyendo ‘I am embarrassed for his teacher’: Parent complains about nonsensical grading rubric for eighth grader son’s school project