Vintage Memes From Newspapers of the Past

If memes are anything, they’re ever present. We tend to think of memes as a newfangled 21st century invention, but that is simply not the case. Look at any newspaper or magazine from the 20th century, and you’ll see some marvelous memes in unexpected places. In college, I visited my schools archives with the University …
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‘I’m Too Old for This’ : Epic Relatable Thread for the Millennials With Greying Hair

Eventually, you reach that age where you feel…  for lack of a better word, ancient. It’s just… you’re so tired, and everything hurts all the time. You begin taking on yoga in a dire attempt to heal your aching body. And why does nobody tell you about hangovers lasting a total of three days?! That …
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Old School Memes That Are a Blast From The Past

Memes do not age like fine wine. They age like a comedy from the mid-90s. If you’ve got a good enough eye, you can tell exactly when a meme was made and when it was popular online. When we consume memes, we’ve got the hivemind mentality where some memes are in style, and some memes …
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Silliest Memes for People Who Rocked Zig Zag Parts in the 90’s But Need an IV After a Night Out in Their 30’s

Turning 30 is one of those cool check points in your life where you leave behind the rambunctious antics of a 20 year old, attempt to settle down in your career, and get a bit nostalgic about all of the festivals you went to before your knees started to crack. Nowadays, kids on TikTok are …
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‘I Don’t Need Your Permission, I’m an Adult’ Memes for the Digital Natives, AKA the Millennials

Adulting is hard. That goes without saying, but we felt it needed to be said as many times as possible to get the point across. We are known to complain (a lot), to work overtime (we’re all a bit of a yesman), to enjoy the occasional avocado toast, and to get bullied a lot by …
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People Explain All the Relatable Things They Can’t Tolerate As They Get Older

There are many gifts that aging brings, and they aren’t just limited to gray hair and wrinkles. Getting older allows us to have a lot more wisdom about the world, at least in comparison to when we were 18. What naturally follows from this is that we start to get a lot pickier about certain …
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Funniest Memes for Geriatric Millennials Who Are Already Tired of Being 30

News spread like wildfire the day that the When We Were Young (WWWY) festival was announced. All of the biggest, most nostalgic emo and punk bands were slated to gather in one place. For some, it was a dream come true. For others, it was a nightmare realized because there’s no way that, at our …
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Hilarious Vintage Memes From Newspapers of the Past

If memes are anything, they’re ever present. We tend to think of memes as a newfangled 21st century invention, but that is simply not the case. Look at any newspaper or magazine from the 20th century, and you’ll see some marvelous memes in unexpected places. In college, I visited my schools archives with the University …
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Kids Encounter Landline Phone for First Time, Make Everyone Else Feel Old

Time is a cruel mistress. Trends change and the world moves forwards, until one day, you realize that everything you ever knew has suddenly become irrelevant. It happens to all of us eventually, but few expect it until it actually happens to them. It could be triggered by something as small as still wearing skinny …
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Internet Explorers Reminisce on All the Quirky Online Crazes That Have Been Forgotten

Considering its current incarnation is not even forty years old, the internet has had a hell of a lot of facelifts. Within a generation, we will be fast approaching a time where most people will not remember an era where it didn’t exist in some form. This also means that a lot of those people …
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