28 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (May 31, 2024)

Roll call, everyone!  Every introvert knows the feeling of sitting in class for the first time and waiting for the teacher to do a roll call. There’s a 50/50 chance they’ll make everyone introduce themselves up front, sharing a ‘fun fact’ about themselves, which is not good news for the antisocials. No pressure, but good …
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27 Party Animal Memes for Long-Weekenders Livin’ La Vida Vegas

Your bank account starts whimpering the moment you get added to a group chat titled, ‘Bachelorette Weekend – Vegas 2024’. Before you knew it, you were buying feather boas, mini alcohol bottles, and one of those long, skinny-necked cocktails on the Strip and your besties are screaming on every side of you. All of a …
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27 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (May 24, 2024)

Back in grade school, being an introvert meant that we hung out alone at recess, dreaded group projects, and got anxious waiting to say ‘Present’ during roll call in the morning. Our parents thought we would grow out of this ‘shyness’ but here you are, a fully-fledged adult who needs a cheerleading squad to build …
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Family of 5 shows up to 10 year old’s birthday party uninvited, leaves when they’re asked to pay entrance fee to the trampoline park: ‘He wanted another parent to pay for his fun family day’

Nothing is more humiliating than showing up somewhere you aren’t wanted. I don’t know what’s worse: being told outright that you aren’t welcome or experiencing that combined feeling of social awkwardness and dread that can only come from being unsure whether your presence is desired. Now that I’m an adult, I would much rather be …
Seguir leyendo Family of 5 shows up to 10 year old’s birthday party uninvited, leaves when they’re asked to pay entrance fee to the trampoline park: ‘He wanted another parent to pay for his fun family day’

27 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (May 17, 2024)

Being an introvert is more complicated than simple social anxiety. Introverted people don’t just avoid people because society is annoying, we avoid people to save ourselves from the awkwardness. Awko taco conversations are all completely avoidable! We don’t have to engage in small talk with the Trader Joe’s employees, we don’t have to pretend to …
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31 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (May 10, 2024)

Introverts value sleep over acquaintanceship. While we have at least one (maybe two) decent socializing partners–dare I call them ‘friends’?–acquaintances are just an exhausting obstacle in life. You have to make small talk with acquaintances and you must share a tight-lipped smile with them when you pass in the halls at work. To extroverted people, …
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28 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (May 3, 2024)

I’m awkward–I say the wrong thing, do the wrong thing and manage to turn myself into the weird mute friend at every social gathering. While the homies parade around familiar acquaintances, I tend to follow two potential paths: Clam up or out-weird myself.  Could it be possible that introverts have a top-secret superpower that none …
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27 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (April 26, 2024)

I got invited to a party recently that I’m dreading. It’s a big hoopla of an event with a dress code, tiny table snacks, and a stuffy live band. While it’s safe to say that every introvert in attendance will be counting down the minutes until their favored Irish goodbye can take place, there’s something …
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28 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (April 19, 2024)

Introverts are full of surprises and contradictions. Most people think that being introverted means you’re a recluse but it’s far more complicated than that. While some introverts prefer seclusion, some of us enjoy human company, just in smaller, more manageable doses. So while our extroverted friends are introducing themselves to everyone at the function, we’ll …
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35 Introvert Memes for Grateful Loners Happy to Stay in Their Lane (April 12, 2024)

Do you know that guttural burning sensation in your core that you feel when you’re doing a plank? Pain-loving exercise fiends love this feeling of turmoil, balancing their strength with the ability to endure discomfort. Regardless, the plank feels endless and time comes to a standstill. This same feeling occurs when an introvert is trapped in a …
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