Nurse Memes to Peruse Before The Night Shift

Most jobs have pretty simple schedules. You go in during the morning, leave at night, sleep, and come back the next morning. Nursing is not «most jobs.» When you’re a nurse, you could be working the night shift one day and working a day shift the very next day. It really does a number on …
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People Share the Funniest Things Said by Patients and Doctors During Anesthesia

Surgery is a scary thing to go through, no matter how many times that you’ve experienced going under the knife. Getting your guts rearranged in the professional sense is not something that appeals to most, not least because of the potential for complications. At least these days we have the miracle of anesthetic to take …
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Nurse Memes For Hilarious And Professional Nurses

There are some jobs you need a sense of humor to be able to do; otherwise, there would be no way you could get through every day and still keep your sanity. Nursing is one of those professions. Nurses must deal with the public in ways many service workers never have to. Nurses have to …
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Medical Secretary Shares 18 Frustrating Tales Of Entitled Patients

No one wants to personally deal with horrible customers or patients, but we do appreciate someone who takes one for the team and lives to tell the tales from it. We thoroughly enjoyed the following stories from an unamused medical secretary!  If (for some odd reason) you enjoy feeling angry, have some more enraging stories …
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Eighteen Snarky Dietary Memes For Frustrated Dietitians And Patients Alike

Trying to lose weight is no joke, and it’s stressful for both doctors and patients alike. These memes convey that struggle in a relatable way. And just a friendly reminder that you don’t need to lose weight if you don’t want to because you’re beautiful just the way you are!

Medical Secretary Recounts Eighteen Frustrating And Amusing Tales Of Entitled Patients

No one wants to personally deal with horrible customers or patients, but we do appreciate someone who takes one for the team and lives to tell the tales from it. We thoroughly enjoyed the following stories from an unamused medical secretary!  If (for some odd reason) you enjoy feeling angry, have some more enraging stories …
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Doctor Memes For Anyone Trying To Avoid Those Medical Bills

Honestly, none of us can afford to go to the doctor anyway, so let’s just look at memes until the pain goes away. You won’t regret it, probably. Want to feel even more sad? Take a look at this gallery of memes about the American healthcare system to make you lose hope for humanity.

Healthcare Memes For The Hardworking Care Givers

Whether you’re a doctor, nurse or dietitian, we know that these memes will relate to you and your stress-filled career. Just remember to take a little break from your busy day every once in a while – and what better way to do that than with memes?