40 Part-Sun Memes for Plant People to Propagate in the Window Sill

Every time life is spiraling out of control, plant people can’t help but buy another plant. With hundreds of plants in their collection at this point, what’s one more? Although, at what point does a gardening hobby turn into an obsession?  As someone who’s named all of their plant and given them little name tags …
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30+ Green Fingered Plant Memes for Nature Lovers Who Like to Bring the Outside Inside

A while back, I saw a TikTok that blew my mind. It was explaining all the different parts of the world that common houseplants come from. Turns out many of these leafy critters sitting on our windowsills have exotic roots. I probably should have realized this from the fact I don’t see most of them …
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25 Vegetarian Food Memes for Plant-Based Food Lovers

Being a vegetarian isn’t easy. You must make appropriate changes to your everyday consumption with any dietary restrictions. In the case of vegetarianism, it means no meat. That’s stating the obvious, but until you’ve stepped into the shoes of a vegetarian, it’s difficult to fully realize how limiting that can be. Meat is the norm …
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35+ Plant Memes for House Ivy Devotees and Cacti Connoisseurs

House plants. They’re incredible decorations, a great way to breathe life into a living space, and the perfect impulse purchase. Depending on the plant, they’re also a magnificent way to prove to yourself that you’re bad at taking care of living things. Some people should stick to cacti and succulents. Whether you start with an …
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‘Little old ladies are garden criminals’: Thieving nuns buy $800 worth of flowers daily, faithfully returning them within 24 hours everyday

Send her to the flower rental department

Suggestive Pictures of Plants That Remind Us of Other Things

The natural world is full of beauty. There are so many different landscapes and species out there that are enough to take anybody’s breath away, and we spend a lot of our time taking this for granted. All it takes is a second glance to really get some appreciation going for the vast amount of …
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A Garden Variety of Plant Memes For Blessed Green Thumbs

I admire green thumbs. Truly, I do. There’s something about most people who are good with plants that just makes them seem more mature, more put together. Like they could maybe handle raising a family, or changing a tire. Then there are my friends who are good with plants. While their apartments may seem pristine, …
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Best Gardening Memes For Pottering Around the Flowerbeds With

There are plenty of wholesome hobbies out there, but gardening has to be one of the best. Growing things from scratch is something to truly be proud of, especially when you have to deal with the changeable temperament of the great outdoors. You don’t have to have a green thumb to appreciate a pretty flowerbed …
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Sensual Pictures of Plants That Are Suggestive of Other Things

The natural world is full of beauty. There are so many different landscapes and species out there that are enough to take anybody’s breath away, and we spend a lot of our time taking this for granted. All it takes is a second glance to really get some appreciation going for the vast amount of …
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20+ Succulent Memes for Plant People Who Spend Their Entire Paycheck at the Garden Supply Store

Obsessions all have to start somewhere. For plant people, it probably started with some cactus that your roommate bought you in college as a joke– «You don’t succ to live with, love ya!» Then you realized that that little pokey-boy cactus actually needed a little more care than you thought. You start rationalizing small expenses, …
Seguir leyendo 20+ Succulent Memes for Plant People Who Spend Their Entire Paycheck at the Garden Supply Store