Overworked Junior Employee Quits Without Notice, Leaving Lazy Boss Hung Out to Dry

There comes a point in many low-level employees’ lives when they need to throw in the towel. If you’re inexperienced or don’t have a college degree, it can be easy to put up with a lot of mistreatment for a while because you know that you might not be able to find opportunities elsewhere. Even …
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Boss Fires Part-Time Worker for Refusing to Go Full-Time, Complains ‘No One Wants to Work’

Bosses hate it when their employees have more than one job because secretly (or sometimes not so secretly) they want to own all of your time. Redditor u/AZNM1912 already had a full-time job and didn’t really need their extra part-time gig, which gave them the upper hand. OP’s part-time boss knew this, and yet still …
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Company Forces Remote Worker to go Back to the Office Despite Their Success With Working From Home, Causes Employee of 27 Years to Quit

It’s wild how much the introduction of remote work into most office jobs changed the world. These days, you’d be hard-pressed to find a company in NYC that doesn’t implement some work-from-home element, with most jobs having a hybrid model. The 3-day in-person workweek is ubiquitous.  I was still in college in 2020 and 2021 …
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‘I really need you to train your replacement right’: Boss Pressures Employee to Stay After His Two Week Notice Ends Because New Hire Refuses To Be Trained

One of the coolest things about jobs is that you’re allowed to quit them. We are not living in the times of indentured servitude anymore; most jobs have you on a contract that can be terminated at any time but typically doesn’t require you to stay a certain amount of months or years.  Once an …
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‘I quit my job and there may be a massive domino effect’: Manager causes ‘domino effect’ when they quit their job

Sometimes all it takes is for one person to pull the plug and quit to make others realize they have other options as well. When that happens, the entire team can turnover within months, with the last of the team practically sprinting to get out of there before the building collapses on them (—will the …
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‘Just got passed up for a promotion’: IT employee denied promotion by CEO because HR says he’s part-time

We’ve all had the experience of being overlooked by an employer, but this guy had it rough. He had been working at his company for over a decade and had been clocking in over 40 hours a week, and yet somehow, he has been plagued with the status of being a part-time employee despite everyone …
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‘I quit; my coworkers followed suit’: Employee quits after being denied vacation request, a domino effect of employees quitting ensues

Upper management glosses over the fact that it has been proven, time and time again, that micromanaging employees results in more problems than it solves. In this case, OP was working at a company for over 10 years, overseeing about 30 employees. The upper management in OP’s company micromanaged its employees, ignored mental health issues, …
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‘Noped out after two hours’: 20 stories where folks quit their jobs as soon as possible

Talk about getting out while you still can! We all are well aware of that old adage «when you know, you know,» yes? Well, these folks all knew that it was time for them to leave their workplace environment, and in many of these cases, they had just started. This list of stories was compiled …
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Manager Criticized For Denying Promised Vacation Time To New Hire

The one thing that stops 90% of the working population from packing it in and retreating under a bridge like a troll is that we can go on vacation. There’s nothing like spending a couple of weeks somewhere where things like deadlines and bosses don’t matter to trick you into thinking that it’s worthwhile the …
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Manager Blows Up When Three Employees Hand In Notice On Same Day, Encouraging Fourth To Quit

The best thing for employees about many jobs is that we have the freedom to quit them if things aren’t going well. For employers, on the other hand, this can become a logistical nightmare. For the most part, things like notice periods and resignation letters are simply matters of common courtesy, but with the way …
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