‘I quit; my coworkers followed suit’: Employee quits after being denied vacation request, a domino effect of employees quitting ensues

Upper management glosses over the fact that it has been proven, time and time again, that micromanaging employees results in more problems than it solves. In this case, OP was working at a company for over 10 years, overseeing about 30 employees. The upper management in OP’s company micromanaged its employees, ignored mental health issues, and held daily power trips that consisted of illegitimate disciplinary write-ups. OP was utterly exhausted from the amount of energy it took just to stay sane at their workplace.

OP was already considering handing in their two-week notice, but the final nail in the coffin was when OP was denied a completely reasonable vacation request. Not only was OP denied said request, but OP was also berated by their direct supervisor for daring to ask for time off. In other words, how dare OP be a robot? OP already had to cancel a planned vacation due to the flu putting out half of their staff; OP had to stay in order to properly operate the stores they were responsible for.

OP decided that enough was enough, and handed in their two-week notice after all. As a result, other employees began to hand in their two-week notice as well, and before OP’s managers knew what was happening, a massive domino effect was in place. Scroll down to read what happened next. For more, here is an IT employee who disabled the entire company’s internet service after being told by their boss to disable it ‘for employees who weren’t working hard enough’.

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