Childless 22-year-old criticizes brother for raising ‘iPad kids,’ claims he’s better at taking care of them after 12 hours of babysitting: ‘[They were] very calm children, as opposed to the brats they are when they’re with me’

Before you become a parent, you have a lot of pie-in-the-sky ideas about how you’ll raise your future children. Those ideas might include totally eliminating screen time or not letting them get social media until they’re 18. However, once you actually have kids, you realize why parents let them play on their iPads for 8-hour …
Seguir leyendo Childless 22-year-old criticizes brother for raising ‘iPad kids,’ claims he’s better at taking care of them after 12 hours of babysitting: ‘[They were] very calm children, as opposed to the brats they are when they’re with me’

Entitled passenger asks man to give up aisle seat 4.5 hours into flight, fights back when he refuses: ‘With that attitude? No way.’

One of the best feelings in the world is when you’re on a plane and you have an empty seat next to you, and you get the announcement that boarding is finished. It feels almost like winning the lottery. You get to stretch out a little more than usual, use your elbows to their fullest …
Seguir leyendo Entitled passenger asks man to give up aisle seat 4.5 hours into flight, fights back when he refuses: ‘With that attitude? No way.’

The Most Entertaining Reddit Posts of the Week (May 31, 2024)

While there are numerous reasons that many of us use social media so much, I’d argue that one of the most important ones is that it is a great place for telling stories. Few places do this as well as Reddit, where we all know that anecdotes and tall tales abound on every other sub. …
Seguir leyendo The Most Entertaining Reddit Posts of the Week (May 31, 2024)

Entitled mom orders adult meals for her 6 and 9-year-old on boyfriend’s dime and refuses to take home leftovers, goes no-contact when boyfriend complains: ‘She went silent for a day’ 

They have a kid’s menu for a reason. Kids tend to have tiny stomachs and small appetites, so ordering them a full-on tomahawk steak might be the wrong move, not to mention a waste of food and money. Plus, most kids don’t have the most refined of tastes, so Kraft mac and cheese and chicken …
Seguir leyendo Entitled mom orders adult meals for her 6 and 9-year-old on boyfriend’s dime and refuses to take home leftovers, goes no-contact when boyfriend complains: ‘She went silent for a day’ 

Freeloading widow receives no inheritance, expects kids she kicked out at 18 to support her: ‘My mother has not worked for the last 30 years’

Pretty much anybody who has ever worked full-time has woken up some mornings and wished they didn’t have to do that anymore, but not everybody gets the luxury of following through with that thought. The reality is that for you to survive comfortably, you either have to be rich or marry rich. The second option, …
Seguir leyendo Freeloading widow receives no inheritance, expects kids she kicked out at 18 to support her: ‘My mother has not worked for the last 30 years’

Micromanager bans salaried employee from using the break room because it ‘confuses’ hourly workers, suggests he take breaks in his car: ‘She wants a private break room’

As any employee will tell you, breaks are everything. They are our momentary respites from the workaday pace. Even if it’s just a few minutes to get up, stretch your legs, or best yet, get a cup of coffee, it’s completely worth it. Taking breaks is also good for your brain and how it manages productivity. The Pomodoro Technique (favored by college …
Seguir leyendo Micromanager bans salaried employee from using the break room because it ‘confuses’ hourly workers, suggests he take breaks in his car: ‘She wants a private break room’

Cheapskate dad chews out daughter for adding $20 to paltry tip behind his back: ‘The total came to $340’

It might be pretty much universally resented, but tipping culture is a cold, hard reality in the US. Servers make their livings on tips, there’s no way around it. Sure, we’d all love to live in a world where everyone makes a living wage and the burden is shifted away from the consumer and onto …
Seguir leyendo Cheapskate dad chews out daughter for adding $20 to paltry tip behind his back: ‘The total came to $340’

26-year-old daughter gets 2 years free rent and spends money on home improvements, retaliates when mom moves to sell the house for ‘mental health reasons’: ‘Family first’

There’s the old saying «There’s no such thing as a free lunch.» It’s based on the economic principle that even if someone else pays for your lunch, you’re paying with the time spent having lunch. It’s a surprising but sound concept. There’s always a hidden cost to things that might appear to come free.  This is especially true when you start involving family, like the TV show Gilmore Girls aptly illustrated. Your rich parents might pay for …
Seguir leyendo 26-year-old daughter gets 2 years free rent and spends money on home improvements, retaliates when mom moves to sell the house for ‘mental health reasons’: ‘Family first’

The Most Entertaining Reddit Posts of the Week (May 24, 2024)

While it is true that every major social media platform has a grand variety of things to offer, it’s hard to get past the sheer randomness of things that we can find on Reddit. That place will advise, entertain, and bamboozle you all in one visit, and sometimes even give you something that makes you …
Seguir leyendo The Most Entertaining Reddit Posts of the Week (May 24, 2024)

‘Your friends are selfish’: Fed-up friend makes plans for 7:30AM, claims that millennials ‘can’t wake up early’

Some people thrive in the morning. They wake up with energy, ready to tackle the day and all it may have in store. I think these people are lucky. Just because the rest of us have trouble waking up doesn’t mean we don’t want to. I’m aspirationally a morning person. It rarely works out, but …
Seguir leyendo ‘Your friends are selfish’: Fed-up friend makes plans for 7:30AM, claims that millennials ‘can’t wake up early’