‘Wouldn’t want to be dishonest’: Controlling micromanager tells employee he can’t put 10 minutes overtime on his timesheet, gets hit with malicious compliance

There are few places where we are more aware of the clock than in the workplace. It’s a strange limbo where two minutes can feel like an hour, and almost anyone who has ever had a job is guilty of waiting clockwatching until their shift comes to a merciful end. It’s not all about getting …
Seguir leyendo ‘Wouldn’t want to be dishonest’: Controlling micromanager tells employee he can’t put 10 minutes overtime on his timesheet, gets hit with malicious compliance

Mom pressures mother-in-law to leave her teaching job of 13 years because she doesn’t want her son in her kindergarten class: ‘She asked me to move positions or to retire’

When it comes to in-laws, there are big asks and small asks. A small ask might be asking your mother-in-law to watch your son for a few hours while you go to a job interview in the city. A small ask does not entail asking your mother-in-law to switch jobs or retire early so her …
Seguir leyendo Mom pressures mother-in-law to leave her teaching job of 13 years because she doesn’t want her son in her kindergarten class: ‘She asked me to move positions or to retire’

‘Tell them to train the dog’: Karen neighbor blames barking dog on neighbor’s cats sitting in the window

It’s important to have a good relationship with your neighbors because you never know when you may need them. You might be making a blueberry pie and need a cup of sugar and all the grocery stores in your neighborhood are closed for some reason. You might get locked out of your house with no phone and need a friendly door to …
Seguir leyendo ‘Tell them to train the dog’: Karen neighbor blames barking dog on neighbor’s cats sitting in the window

Dad skips son’s high school graduation for 14-year-old stepdaughters competition that her mom is already attending: ‘Once she came into his life he prioritized her every step of the way’

There are few milestones as well attended as graduations. Whether you’re graduating from high school or college, you hopefully have a good number of people in the audience cheering you on as you celebrate such a significant accomplishment. I still feel bad for the kids in the class of 2020 who didn’t get to have …
Seguir leyendo Dad skips son’s high school graduation for 14-year-old stepdaughters competition that her mom is already attending: ‘Once she came into his life he prioritized her every step of the way’

‘This isn’t Young Sheldon’: Exam-taker asks fragile student to swap seats, causing her to fail said exam

I believe in exam rituals. They can be high-pressure situations, so it’s up to you to do everything in your power to make yourself sane. And there are plenty of tips and tricks designed to help you succeed. I remember someone recommending chewing a certain flavor of gum when you’re learning/studying, and then chewing the same gum at the exam, to …
Seguir leyendo ‘This isn’t Young Sheldon’: Exam-taker asks fragile student to swap seats, causing her to fail said exam

‘This is only the beginning of the craziness’: Greedy landlord raises roommate’s rent for using two ceiling fans in summer

Living with a landlord is like having an RA roommate in college. They’re probably gonna narc on you at some point. We all bend the rules every now and then, as is our right. We have to exercise our own selfishness sometimes, or else it’s going to come out in weird ways. Adults (at least …
Seguir leyendo ‘This is only the beginning of the craziness’: Greedy landlord raises roommate’s rent for using two ceiling fans in summer

Man lives in his sister’s house cheaply for 15 years, refuses to leave after being given a 1-year notice: ‘I had no choice but apply for a court order to evict them’

We have one of those family members who, when given an inch, takes a mile. It’s natural to want to help your kin in their times of need or in your time of bounty, but it isn’t easy to maintain boundaries once you’ve already offered endless assistance. If you let your sister and her husband …
Seguir leyendo Man lives in his sister’s house cheaply for 15 years, refuses to leave after being given a 1-year notice: ‘I had no choice but apply for a court order to evict them’

‘I let everyone use it’: Entitled roommates steal $40 worth of coffee pods, freak out when they realize they’re decaf

Living with other people is rarely easy. When you venture into the world of having a roommate or several, you either learn quickly about things like grocery labeling and cleaning schedules, or you become the reason why they exist. I think it’s safe to say that most individuals in these living situations have pinched an …
Seguir leyendo ‘I let everyone use it’: Entitled roommates steal $40 worth of coffee pods, freak out when they realize they’re decaf

Father fires 16-year-old niece from babysitting after being 20-minutes late twice, her mother blames it on time blindness: ‘It’s not her fault’

There’s a difference between being late for something and being late for something without even knowing it. If you’re running a few minutes late, you can text the people your lateness affects and let them know your estimated arrival time: No harm, no foul. But if you experience something called «time blindness,» you might be …
Seguir leyendo Father fires 16-year-old niece from babysitting after being 20-minutes late twice, her mother blames it on time blindness: ‘It’s not her fault’

‘You are being unnecessarily dramatic’: Dentist refuses to attend brother’s wedding because she doesn’t like off-the-shoulder dresses

Wedding attire is often a contentious concept, though it really shouldn’t be. Don’t wear white if you’re not the bride, and keep it formal. End of story. But there are so many rules and gradations of rules that everyone gets a little crazy. There’s a whole subreddit dedicated to wedding fashion advice, and it gets heated. But in my mind, it’s on the bride and groom …
Seguir leyendo ‘You are being unnecessarily dramatic’: Dentist refuses to attend brother’s wedding because she doesn’t like off-the-shoulder dresses