25 Roommate Memes That Capture the Love-Hate Relationship of Shared Living

Living with roommates can be challenging, regardless of whether your roommate is your best friend, sibling, romantic partner, or a random person you found online. Chores can be one of the biggest challenges. In college, my roommates would always argue about whose turn it was to do the dishes. Then there’s the never-ending thermostat battle. …
Seguir leyendo 25 Roommate Memes That Capture the Love-Hate Relationship of Shared Living

‘This is only the beginning of the craziness’: Greedy landlord raises roommate’s rent for using two ceiling fans in summer

Living with a landlord is like having an RA roommate in college. They’re probably gonna narc on you at some point. We all bend the rules every now and then, as is our right. We have to exercise our own selfishness sometimes, or else it’s going to come out in weird ways. Adults (at least …
Seguir leyendo ‘This is only the beginning of the craziness’: Greedy landlord raises roommate’s rent for using two ceiling fans in summer

‘They want her to pay $45,000 [for repairs]’: Clueless renter facing exorbitant repair fees after destroying the apartment with 1 can of chicken soup

When I went through high school, we didn’t have Home Economics as a required class. Apparently, kitchen etiquette, doing your taxes, and keeping the house under control weren’t things that the public school system still valued, so lo-and-behold, an entire generation went without baking cakes for a final grade. However, the Gen X woman in …
Seguir leyendo ‘They want her to pay $45,000 [for repairs]’: Clueless renter facing exorbitant repair fees after destroying the apartment with 1 can of chicken soup

‘Each violation is a $500/day fine’: Nightmare landlord terrorizes tenant for 3 years, faces revenge when they move out

Show me a person who has spent much of their life in rented accommodation and I bet you anything they have at least one horror story about dealing with a landlord. It’s amazing just how many of them are happy to take their cut of your paycheck each month, but not to do basic maintenance …
Seguir leyendo ‘Each violation is a $500/day fine’: Nightmare landlord terrorizes tenant for 3 years, faces revenge when they move out

Ingenious tenant uproots garden after landlord increases rent, sweet revenge ensues: ‘Should salt the earth for good measure’

Everyone loves a good revenge story. There’s something so sweet about watching someone fall prey to their deserved comeuppance. Life is so often random and unjust that it’s rare that bad people get what they deserve. Also, how many times have we come up with the perfect comeback… only days later, in the shower? Usually, …
Seguir leyendo Ingenious tenant uproots garden after landlord increases rent, sweet revenge ensues: ‘Should salt the earth for good measure’

Family chews out niece for refusing to let 17-year-old college student share her NYC apartment: ‘They haven’t offered me anything in return’

Living in dorms is one of those American college rites of passage that a lot of us wouldn’t trade for the world. Sure, there are compromises. You have to learn how to share space, you might have an annoying roommate, you might face a sexile. But these are all growing experiences that aid you on …
Seguir leyendo Family chews out niece for refusing to let 17-year-old college student share her NYC apartment: ‘They haven’t offered me anything in return’

31 Renter Memes That Give Experienced Tenants the Landlord Special

Landlords are easily the bad guys in everyone’s fairytale. Raising the rent by 20% after fulfilling their basic duties as a homeowner (ie: painting over the moths on the walls and the baseboards) has given landlords a false sense of prowess and power. They feel invincible like they can get away with anything.  Tangled in …
Seguir leyendo 31 Renter Memes That Give Experienced Tenants the Landlord Special

Shady landlord wants to park RV on tenant’s property, won’t take no for an answer: ‘He wants to rent the property and have it too’

If there’s one thing about landlords it’s this: they will attempt to get away with whatever they can. Because they often have nothing to lose. It’s much easier for them to deal with complaints as they arise rather than trying to get ahead of anything that might go wrong. They hold all the power, and …
Seguir leyendo Shady landlord wants to park RV on tenant’s property, won’t take no for an answer: ‘He wants to rent the property and have it too’

‘He should pay it all’: Renters debate how couple making $180K and $40K respectively should split their rent

As a brand new New Yorker, I often think about the circumstances under which I would be able to live «on my own.» Even if I suddenly came into a large amount of money, I probably wouldn’t be financially savvy to live alone unless I won the lottery. The best idea I’ve come up with …
Seguir leyendo ‘He should pay it all’: Renters debate how couple making $180K and $40K respectively should split their rent

‘Time to move, I guess’: Careless landlord empties tenant’s fridge, leaving everything to spoil

Your fridge is your sanctuary. It’s where you keep your most precious memories (leftovers) and where you plan your most ambitious visions for the future (fresh produce). The state of my fridge reflects the state of my mind. Sometimes it is full of possibility– zucchini waiting to be sauteed, eggs ready to be fried. It’s …
Seguir leyendo ‘Time to move, I guess’: Careless landlord empties tenant’s fridge, leaving everything to spoil