‘Block her number and move on’: Boutique owner gifts employee jumpsuit from her store, demands it back when employee injures herself

Wearing a uniform for a job can be an incredibly annoying reality. It’s enough of a pain that you have to give your time to your job when you don’t want to, but it’s another thing to have to surrender your personal style as well. I understand that it’s required for safety in some instances, but in …
Seguir leyendo ‘Block her number and move on’: Boutique owner gifts employee jumpsuit from her store, demands it back when employee injures herself

‘Stay in that area and keep an eye on them…’: Senior Employee Skillfully Complies With Upper Management to Stop Teen Theft

Customer service is never an easy job to work in. A whole different story, though, applies to customer service jobs during the holiday season.  A disappointed retail sales associate tells his story below. For a while now, OP has been employed in the field of customer service. He is therefore well-acquainted with the variety of …
Seguir leyendo ‘Stay in that area and keep an eye on them…’: Senior Employee Skillfully Complies With Upper Management to Stop Teen Theft

‘She had the biggest smile on her face’: Retail worker shares wholesome story in which he sold a sweet and excited old lady an electric scooter

Is there anything more wholesome than seeing old people do completely unexpected things? Things that are in no way appropriate for people at their age, but at the same time, demonstrate how fun and lovely life can be. The best example of that, and you might know where I am going with this, is the …
Seguir leyendo ‘She had the biggest smile on her face’: Retail worker shares wholesome story in which he sold a sweet and excited old lady an electric scooter

‘She spoiled everything, so I did too’: To get back at her entitled co-worker, woman decides to spoil the ending of her favorite book

How do you feel about spoilers? Some people actually enjoy having things spoiled for them. My sister, for example, will start watching a film, skip over to the last five minutes to see what happens, and then go back and watch the rest of the movie. Then there are some people, who hate spoilers with …
Seguir leyendo ‘She spoiled everything, so I did too’: To get back at her entitled co-worker, woman decides to spoil the ending of her favorite book

‘Big mistake. HUGE!’: Customer has real-life Pretty Woman moment with retail Karen

I’ve always wanted to walk into a store and prove everyone wrong with my ability to purchase a wildly expensive item. So far, it’s yet to happen, but there’s always time. When I’m traveling, if I have some downtime, I like to wander into big, fancy designer stores just to look around and people-watch. I …
Seguir leyendo ‘Big mistake. HUGE!’: Customer has real-life Pretty Woman moment with retail Karen

Entitled Gen Z Introverts Get Judged for Complaining About Talking to Retail Workers

I have always been and always will be a natural hermit. I very much enjoy being alone, and I am not the kind of person who would strike up a conversation with a stranger for the sake of it. However, I also recognize a couple of important disclaimers: first of all, not everybody is like …
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Douchey Retail Manager Accuses Worker Covering Shift of Trespassing at 5 AM, Gets Hit With Malicious Compliance

I don’t want to make too many excuses for those who make up the managerial class, but that kind of job isn’t always an easy ride. Being in that kind of position makes someone a lot more liable for anything that goes wrong at work than if they were a lowly intern.  That being said, …
Seguir leyendo Douchey Retail Manager Accuses Worker Covering Shift of Trespassing at 5 AM, Gets Hit With Malicious Compliance

20 Relatable Retail Memes for Exhausted Retail Workers Who Need More Than a 15 Minute Break

Few customer facing jobs are easy, but retail has to be up there with some of the most dehumanizing. There is something about those dear customers being confronted with the idea of spending their hard-earned cash that can make some of them go a little crazy. The best part is that the average retail worker …
Seguir leyendo 20 Relatable Retail Memes for Exhausted Retail Workers Who Need More Than a 15 Minute Break

17-Year-Old Bakery Worker Learns of Friend’s Passing Before Shift, Cruel Manager Refuses to Give Her Leave

One of the most traumatizing experiences at work is being visibly upset on the job. It’s happened to most of us at some point, for reasons both big and small. Bad news can be a pretty common culprit, and having to put on your moneymaking face while reacting to something like a death is nothing …
Seguir leyendo 17-Year-Old Bakery Worker Learns of Friend’s Passing Before Shift, Cruel Manager Refuses to Give Her Leave

‘The grin slid off his face’: Employee outsmarts customer trying to exploit returns loophole

Navigating some companies’ return policies can be an unnecessarily difficult experience that may drive you to look for ways you can circumvent their requirements and get a fair go at returning your unwanted item. At times it can feel like these policies are unnecessarily specific and cryptic: «Customer must return an item only when the …
Seguir leyendo ‘The grin slid off his face’: Employee outsmarts customer trying to exploit returns loophole