Weirdo Gems From Denny’s Tumblr

In this crazy age of late stage capitalism, brands seem to be wiling out on all sorts of internet channels. We’ve seen the savagery of Wendy’s on Twitter, and horny queries from the Netflix account. But one of our favorite classics is the bizarre hilarity of Denny’s Tumblr presence. Here are some of their best non …
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Freshly Plucked & Slightly Dumb Memes From Reddit

It’s hard to keep up with every dumb meme trend on Reddit, but we like to think we’ve gotten pretty good at it. Through careful examination of the r/dankmemes subreddit, we’ve gathered some of the freshest (and dumbest) memes the community has to offer. Some are pretty basic and relatable, but they’re all new. And …
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‘I May Not Show It’ Shitposts Are Delightfully Absurd

As dank memes go, this one is decidedly not deep. A year after D’Arreion Nuriyah Toles was seen in the news after being targeted by a racist woman in his building, a photo of the St. Louis man has been turned into a very silly shitpost. The photo of Toles went viral on Reddit after being …
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‘We’re Meant To Be Expendable’ Is Yet Another Tasty Star Wars Shitpost

It’s no secret that we love Star Wars and even less of a secret that we love Star Wars prequel mpemes. The lates prequel format actually comes from the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series. The scene features two seemingly «expendable» clone troopers explaining to Jedi Plo Koon why they’re not being rescued after being …
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