SpongeBob SquarePants Memes For Nickelodeon Kids Who Wish They Lived in a Pineapple Under The Sea

What can I say that hasn’t already been said about Spongebob? The first three seasons of this show defined my childhood, and I lowkey feel bad for all of the kids whose parents didn’t allow them to watch it. Whenever a fellow third grader looked me in the eyes and told me they did not …
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An Overflowing Chum Bucket of 33 Relatable Spongebob Memes

I used to think I was a lot like Spongebob– young, positive, happy all the time –and now, the older I get, the more I realize I might have aged into my worst nightmare: Squidward. Although he seemed like the villain at first, looking at Squidward’s entire life is so relatable it hurts. He has …
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35 Memes That Cover a Variety of Familiar Concepts

We have fun over here at Memebase. I have been tasked with distributing the memes of the world in a highly concentrated place, and I’m happy to do that public service. Since working here, it has blown my mind just how many memes there are in this world. Before, I was just seeing the memes …
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30 Gym Memes for the Exercise Obsesses and Devoted Gym Rats (August 19, 2023)

Welcome back, weekend gym warriors and those devoted to the art of exercise! It’s that time of the week again. No, not leg day. It’s meme day! After a recent move, it’s no longer convenient or even practical for me to continue attending my old gym. I will always cherish the memory of my old …
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29 Memes to Defy Downhearted Dispositions

Sometimes you wake up on the wrong side of the bed. There’s nothing wrong with that, we’ve all been there. It can be tough to pull yourself out of a downer mood. Maybe there’s something getting you down, but often times you may find yourself not feeling great for no specific reason. So how do …
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30 Workout Memes for the Exercised Obsessed and Devoted Gym Rats (August 12, 2023)

Happy Saturday, gym attendees of all types! Whether you casually partake in exercise or live for the workout life, we’ve got the memes for you! Let’s talk a little bit about the exercise lifestyle. I would call myself a casual gymgoer. I aim to go two or three times a week, but that usually ends …
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40+ Memes For People With a Case of The Mondays

Happy Monday y’all! Or should I say Unhappy Monday? Just kidding; I should not have said that. I’m going to come out strong with an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think Mondays are so bad. On Monday, I’m well rested, chill, and working from home. I watch my favorite series on TBS, and I Zoom …
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30+ Tantalizing Memes to Intrigue Fascinations of Humor

I wasn’t born yesterday, nor was I born in a period before the internet. I was born at just the right time when memes were readily available by the time I was functionally able to use the internet. I’ve lived and breathed memes ever since I learned to use a keyboard. Sure, my brain developed …
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25 Spongebob Memes for Introverts Feeling Extra Introverty

Introverts are fully embracing their introverty personality these days. There is nothing wrong with not wanting to hang out with your friends all the time or go to a party where there will be a million people you don’t know and the one friend you do know is an extrovert so you just end up …
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25+ Workout Memes for the Exercise Obsessed and Devoted Gym Rats (July 29, 2023)

Have you ever gone to the gym and found yourself frustrated that there are so many people using the machines and equipment? A line for the dumbbells? That’s ridiculous! Sure, those sorts of occurrences are annoying, but have you ever thought that the world doesn’t revolve around you? Everybody else is there for the same …
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