30 Star Wars Memes for Aficionados of the Force (December 6, 2023)

It’s Wednesday, my dudes, which means another fresh crop of Star Wars memes for your consideration. With this franchise, the discourse never stops, as we’re constantly being fed new content, as well as recycling the old. The Mandalorian has whetted our appetites nicely in recent years, with the tale of a lone ranger swashbuckling his way through the galaxy, …
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34 Hilarious Sci-Fi Memes to Fill Your Nerdy Needs (December 4, 2023)

What does it mean to be a nerd? A word that used to be bandied about with malice has now been proudly reclaimed by many. What used to be an insult is now a way to wear your interests with pride. Miriam Webster defines the word as «a person devoted to intellectual, academic, or technical pursuits or interests.» …
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25+ Star Wars Memes for Aficionados of the Force (November 29, 2023)

Star Wars fans have been well-fed for 46 years. From feature films to live-action TV to miniseries to video games, the franchise has blossomed over the decades to find resonance for folks of all ages. My mom recently told me a memory she has of seeing A New Hope the same week that Elvis died. That put …
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30+ Hilarious Sci-Fi Memes to Fill Your Nerdy Needs (November 27, 2023)

One of the ways I celebrated my long Thanksgiving weekend was by watching Terminator 2: Judgement Day in theaters with some of my pals. I had never seen it, and an old movie theater in town was doing a special late-night screening. I haven’t seen the first Terminator, but I hear the second one is better anyway. It …
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30 Star Wars Memes for Aficionados of the Force

I’d like to take a moment in this weekly Star Wars meme list to honor the parody film that has stolen the hearts of Star Wars fans across generations: Spaceballs. My dad showed it to me when I was a kid, and it blew my mind, as it was the first parody film I’d ever seen. I mean, Rick Moranis …
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26 Hilarious Sci-Fi Memes to Fill Your Nerdy Needs (November 20, 2023)

One of my favorite sci-fi films of all time happens to be one of the genre’s foundational texts. Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey stokes both of my loves: genre-bending prestige and world-class science fiction. It’s a saga of the highest order, with three distinct chapters that feed into each other in poetic but logical ways. Distant past …
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25+ Star Wars Memes for Aficionados of the Force (November 15, 2023)

I wonder if the proliferation of Star Wars memes has had any bearing on the success of the franchise as a whole, and the amount of spinoffs, sequels, and prequels we’ve been blessed with. I’m sure this is true to an extent. The more a fanbase engages with its content, the more it’s going to stay in …
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33 Hilarious Sci-Fi Memes to Fill Your Nerdy Needs (November 13, 2023)

The urge to escape to a different planet is a strong one. If things are getting a little hairy here on Earth (which is often the case), the thought of being able to blast off to start afresh is tempting beyond belief. That’s why we have so many stories about alternate worlds, because we love …
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30+ Star Wars Memes for Aficionados of the Force (November 8, 2023)

Everyone remembers their first introduction to Star Wars. For many, it was the original 1977 film, whether you saw it in theaters or if it found you through the passing generations, decades later, on streaming. For some unlucky bucks, their first exposure was the prequels in the aughts. Hey, you can’t help when you were …
Seguir leyendo 30+ Star Wars Memes for Aficionados of the Force (November 8, 2023)

20+ Hilarious Sci-Fi Memes to Fill Your Nerdy Needs (November 6, 2023)

One of my favorite films of all time, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, is a parody of some of the 20th century’s most rotten, forgotten, low-budget science fiction movies. From cheesy practical effects to an often untraceable plot, to a creature with whims of its own, Rocky has all the elements of the best sci-fi B movies. Plus, …
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