Office «Food Goblin» Refuses to Stop Stealing Lunch From Co-workers, Gets Schooled With Petty Revenge

A lot of the time, the best thing about being at work is the lunch break. Your colleagues may be annoying and all your tasks are boring, but at least you get that sacred thirty minutes to enjoy whatever treats you packed for yourself that morning. It’s a real respite, which makes it all the …
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Woman Rebukes Nosy Co-Worker Asking About Her Husband’s Salary, Splits Opinion on Work Etiquette

A key part of many jobs is coworker management. Even if you aren’t anybody’s boss, navigating those thorny office politics is a necessity and not an optional extra. None of us get it right all of the time, but it really pays to try. Nobody wants to get on the wrong side of HR.  At …
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Ex-Military Dude Gets Fired 4 Hours Into His First Day of Work After Suspicious Employee Lies About Him

Getting fired on your first day of work is a nightmare that nobody wants to go through. Even worse is getting fired because somebody lied about you and your work ethic to the boss. One ex-military guy shared his story on Reddit of getting fired from working at a warehouse because he was honest with …
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Sober Woman Gets Fired After Coworker Snoops Through Her Phone And Finds Recovery Apps

It’s so important that people at your job don’t know everything about you. Even if you like your coworkers and have a solid bond, there are some things you shouldn’t tell them. Even if you think they have good intentions, they could use aspects of your personal life against you in the workplace. You never …
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88-Year-Old Karen Harasses Her Coworkers, Including a 15-Year-Old Intern

Every workplace has a different mix of generations, which can affect the office’s vibe. Right now, my workplace is unbelievably dominated by millennials. I love that for me. I would take millennials over any other generation any day of the week. I have worked with boomers, and they are as shady as they come. One …
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‘She demanded I hire her’: Manager’s old company calls to begging him to hire his useless ex-coworker to get her off their hands

Imagine having a coworker so terrible that when you get a new management role and poach the members of your old team, your old HR manager actually gets mad at you for not poaching the awful one. That’s a scenario that boggles the mind so completely it’s hard to imagine this scenario actually playing out …
Seguir leyendo ‘She demanded I hire her’: Manager’s old company calls to begging him to hire his useless ex-coworker to get her off their hands

‘Nobody knew what to do’: Dude gets fired for harassment, uses job as a reference anyways

If you were ever to get dismissed from a role for a serious infraction, it would be common sense never to use that role as a reference—yet, doing so speaks to the delusional fantasy world you must live in that got you into trouble in the first place. Whilst working as a retail manager, there …
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‘The entire project came crashing down’: Coworkers get put in their place when woman stops doing their work

Of all the many frustrating experiences that are waiting for you when you arrive at work, there is arguably none greater than a coworker who refuses to pull their weight. Without fail, their dragging of the chain will hold back the rest of their team, who will have to pick up the slack if they …
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‘My coworker should have defended me’: Employee forced to pay coworker’s boyfriend $20 for a ride after coworker had been carpooling with employee for free

There are so many things this coworker could have done to avoid these consequences. Apparently, she had been getting a free ride to work with this Redditor for over a year, and this didn’t seem to bother OP because it was on their way to work. Still, a very generous offer that in and of …
Seguir leyendo ‘My coworker should have defended me’: Employee forced to pay coworker’s boyfriend $20 for a ride after coworker had been carpooling with employee for free

‘He dared you to call his hand; You called and raised’: Entitled employee harasses his female coworker gets bamboozled when she calls his bluff and takes him to the cleaners with HR

Working with insufferable coworkers is tantalizing on its own, but when your raunchy, abrasive colleague starts to test your patience with crude jokes and terse taunts, it’s hard not to go full vigilante on them. Especially when you’re trapped in an office environment, sharing a cubicle wall with someone who thinks they’re running a late-night …
Seguir leyendo ‘He dared you to call his hand; You called and raised’: Entitled employee harasses his female coworker gets bamboozled when she calls his bluff and takes him to the cleaners with HR