A Baking Sheet Full of Flavorful Memes

Meme lists should be like a delicious four-course meal. They must ebb and flow through different flavors, providing sweetness, saltiness, and just the right amount of bitterness. No matter how well-presented it was, you wouldn’t want to eat four servings of cold spaghetti in a row. You want whatever four-course meal Violet was chewing in …
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40+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (May 4, 2024)

Everyone’s got a take these days. I can’t walk out of the house without somebody coming up to me and saying, «Hot take, people who own houseplants are just people who want to be parents and misplaced the energy.» Or «Actually, dogs hate it when you scratch their heads. They’re wagging their tail because they’re in distress.» Or maybe I just have a weird, opinionated neighbor.  But …
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30+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (April 27, 2024)

Twitter still has a chokehold on us discourse-lovers even if the rest of the world thinks it’s a failing website. Sure, a lot of the discourse has ventured over to TikTok, where the duets and comments flow like water, but some of us are still true to the app that bore us.  Sure, things have gone downhill …
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40 of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (April 13, 2024)

There are some things you only have the pleasure of knowing about if you go on Twitter. There are memes, stories, inside jokes, and hot takes that only those privy to the deep annals of the bird app have access to. But let me tell you, for every gold nugget, there are tons and tons …
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40+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (March 30, 2024)

Tweet it once, shame on you for assuming I’ll read it. Tweet it twice, shame on me for not noticing you stole it. Tweet it and delete it, shame on all of us. The tweet and delete is a tried and true tactic of cowards the world over. You want to get something off your …
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45+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (March 23, 2024)

We all know what doom scrolling is by now. It’s that feeling when you’re stuck in an endless cycle of negativity online, unable to look away, much like a car accident. But I think it’s about time we introduce other types of scrolling. What about hungry scrolling? I do that when I’m about ready for …
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50 of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (March 16, 2024)

The Oscars were this week, which is one of the best times to be on Twitter. I always watch it every year with a group of friends, and the best part is hearing everyone’s jokes. It’s one of those rare monoculture events that gives everyone common ground to make jokes about. There’s always some line …
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Girly Memes for International Women’s Day (March 8, 2024)

Happy International Women’s Day to all of my girlies out there! If you’ve clicked on this list of funny, fresh, and feminine memes for the sole purpose of scrolling down and asking, «What about International Men’s Day,» just do it and get off my lawn, boomer. The girlies deserve some memes of their own, especially …
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‘I thought Martha’s Vineyard was owned by Martha Stewart’: 17 Hilarious misconceptions people realized way too late

Everyone has those cute little misconceptions they pick up during childhood that take too long to shake. When my dad was a boy, he thought that his dad went to «meetings» to eat a lot of meat. That is cute and charming and extremely age-appropriate, but not all misconceptions are that way. For some godforsaken …
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40+ Funny and Fresh Tweets For Bird App Scavengers (December 16, 2023)

There’s an old adage that goes «A tweet in time saves nine.» That’s what I say to myself when I have an intrusive thought and have to tweet it immediately or else it will spill into my personal life in ways I don’t desire. That’s what Twitter is good for, for me, getting out my …
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