‘Clearly I’m employee of the year’: Gen Z corporate worker hilariously details how she makes herself at home in the office

By this point, I think it’s fair to say that we have all internalized the idea that each generation is very different in the workplace. A common argument for one of these differences is that in comparison to their older co-workers, young people do not want to work anymore. However, there is a subset of younger millennials and Gen Z who would argue that they simply want to work smarter, not harder. 

This seems to be the conclusion that can be taken from a recent TikTok, in which a Gen Z corporate worker gives a tour of her cubicle and explains the intricacies of her workplace setup. Revealing details such as a personal humidifier and a phone that’s permanently on silent, many viewers who worked in similar environments were taking notes. If we can’t all work from home most of the time, some of these options are the next best thing.

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