Clingy Texter Divides Twitter Over Whether He’s Too Desperate or His Date is a Bad Communicator

A single screenshot of a text conversation can say a thousand words, even in so few. From just a couple of measly messages, you can tell who has the power, who is more invested in the conversation, and who is the superior communicator

As someone who is a terminal bad texter, I understand the struggle of people who take long to text back. I empathize with the plight of the ghoster, because that has absolutely been me. However, if you’re going to be a bad texter, you must accept your role as the bad guy when you’re being evasive for no reason. A text that says, «I’m not very interested,» is so much more ethical than sending nothing. Recently, a text conversation (it’s bold to even call it a conversation) went viral where one person kept texting the other person to see if they were interested in him. This sparked a divided dialogue about double texting and ghosting. 

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