Dedicated Dog Owner Shares Noisy Chaos of Living With Three Huskies, Prompts Mixed Reactions on Twitter

It’s no secret that adopting any kind of dog is a huge commitment, but some are a lot harder to handle than others. Some need more intensive behavioral training to be manageable, and some require a lot of extra grooming. Others have what we might politely call ‘strong personalities’. 

Others still are a mixture of all of these factors, as with many huskies. Being bred to pull sleds in Arctic conditions doesn’t exactly scream perfect suburban pet material, but that doesn’t stop many dog lovers from being won over by their cuteness. 

Those who adopt can often face some noisy consequences, as with one TikToker who shared a slice of life with her own three huskies. When the video made it to Twitter, viewers were split between being entertained and swearing off ever taking a creature like that into their home. They’re definitely not a breed for an inexperienced owner.

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