Derpaholics Anonymous: 21 Comical Cats Embracing Their Inner Derp By Following The 10-Step Program To Silliness

Hello, our name is Cat and we are a derpaholic! We can’t stop ourselves form making silly faces, letting our eyes glaze over, or finding our way into the most ridiculous positions. And you know what? We couldn’t be happier! We’re embracing all of our silly, and you should too. These feline members of Derpaholics Anonymous have mastered the art of the silly strut and the majestic derp face. With each step of the program, they get closer to unlocking the true potential of their inner derp.

As they clumsily stumble through life, these cats remind us that it’s okay to let loose, embrace the goofy side of our purr-sonalities, and find joy in the simplest things. So, fellow derpaholics, let us celebrate these fearless feline pioneers as they lead the way towards a world filled with laughter and endless silliness. Get ready to giggle, snort, and meow with glee as we join forces with these comical cats on their mission to spread the gospel of derpiness!

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