Foodie Jokester Tries to Slate Salt and Pepper, Reignites the Great Food Seasoning Debate

Food is undeniably part of the pantheon of evergreen internet conversation topics that will always elicit a strong reaction. Taste is an important sense for most of us, and we have all grown up with certain cultural expectations of what good food should be. These vary a lot, and it is never more apparent than when online controversies get started about it. 

Up for the judgment this week has been the humble duo of salt and pepper, surely a staple in any kitchen. Apparently not if a satirical tweet was anything to go by, announcing that these two integral seasonings were «mid». Evoking the arguments surrounding a chef who tried to demonstrate not too long ago that making food taste good doesn’t always require a load of spices, Twitter users couldn’t help but push back against this absurd statement. Some people are far too convincing when they act as if they’ve never cooked a meal before.

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