Fresh Tweets From the Bowels of Twitter (June 6, 2023)

If you’re craving a dose of humor but want to avoid the treacherous landscape of Twitter, we totally understand. These days, navigating the bird app can be exhausting, especially when it feels like pain and suffering are constantly being forced upon us. That’s why we’ve put together a collection of short and sweet tweets that will tickle your funny bone without any of the unnecessary noise. It’s a refreshing break from the world’s troubles, and sometimes inspires us to work on our own jokes.

With just a quick scroll, you’ll find yourself chuckling at the wit and cleverness packed into these bite-sized bits of funny. Sometimes, all we need is a momentary escape from the seriousness of life, and these tweets provide just that. They’re a welcome reminder that amidst the chaos, there’s still room for lightheartedness, laughter, and the absurd.

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