Funniest Bubble Wrap Memes Ready for Popping

Deep down, we’re all a bit like cats — we have more fun with the packaging than whatever is inside of it. However, our reason for this isn’t usually the box it comes in. Instead, it’s the squashy stuff inside. 

When it comes to the simple pleasures of life, popping bubble wrap is one of the most universally adored. Long before we knew what ASMR was, these pillowy sheets were all we needed to get ourselves tingling.

Despite its popularity, bubble wrap has been in crisis in the past few years. They’ve started to manufacture a type that you can’t even pop, and the sensation has been poorly replicated through those rainbow colored stim toys. 

Yes, the bubble wrap industry has probably produced enough plastic waste to suffocate millions of dolphins, but that can’t stop bubble popping from feeling so darn good. That’s why there are all these memes out there in celebration of it. Keep on squeezing. 

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