Funniest ‘the Rocky Horror Picture Show’ Memes in Abundance That’ll Have Your Face Aching From Smiling So Much

It’s always a good time to watch The Rocky Horror Picture Show, or better yet, attend an interactive midnight showing! But it’s even more that time of the year to really get into the Time Warp dance! The film/show is epic, spooky, funny, sexy, and everything in between. The costumes are one of a kind and the story line is gut busting. Spooktober is a perfect time to get any newbie into the epic fandom world of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. Have them watch the classic 1975 version and then go through these memes together, share some good LOLs together and then slowly introduce the idea of dressing as the characters and going to see a showing of it somewhere—and, oh, you can usually find one in any city. The fan following for this show stretches all over the world! But, it is an overwhelming story, so again, start with the movie, then these hilarious memes that are also fan classics. 

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